Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Undone by an archivist

Debra Steidel Wall, Acting Archivist of the United States: that’s the signature on a May 10, 2022 letter to one of the defeated former president’s lawyers, letting him know that the National Archives and Records Administration would be turning materials over to the FBI.

There’s something sweet and fitting about the prospect of a man with no regard for history and no regard for the written word (save for its monetary value) being undone by an archivist. If the arc of the moral universe isn’t exactly bending toward justice, it might at least be bending toward poetic justice.

comments: 6

Frex said...

Oh, man, "bending toward poetic justice"--that's a great phrase! Could be a blog header...
And as a former librarian (once one, always one), I am proud of my tribe, which includes archivists. "Archivists--better than anarchists."
--Frex = Fresca

Michael Leddy said...

Uh-oh — that’s MLK. I thought it was well enough known not to need a cite. But I have a post with it.

Michael Leddy said...

By the way, I love the archivist/anarchist contrast.

Fresca said...

Michael: oh heck yeah, I know the famous MLK quote about bending toward justice (a nice thought…), but MLK didn’t say “poetic “ justice.
That’s your twist, and I like it!
Glad you like my little word play too .

Michael Leddy said...

Ack: I was so horrified at the thought of being credited for what MLK said that I didn’t realize you were crediting me for what I said. So let me jump into my time machine and just say thanks.

Fresca said...

You're welcome.