Wednesday, October 28, 2020

“This isn’t Wal-Mart!”

At a local business today, the owner attempted to put us at ease: “You don’t have to wear your mask. This isn’t Wal-Mart!”

Elaine decided to mess with him: “We may have been exposed.” Which might after all be true. But we have no reason to think we have been. She was messing with him.

I couldn’t top Elaine’s response, but I did mention the alarming number of cases from yesterday’s tests at a nearby hospital. After which the store owner began to explain that the reason we have so many cases is that we have so much testing.

Dr. Ngozi Ezike, Illinois Public Health Director, speaking today on NPR’s Morning Edition : “The desire by people to believe in things which are comforting but not true is incredibly strong right now.”

If I ever hear “You don’t have to wear your mask” again, I will be tempted to reply thusly: “Well, just between you and me — heh, heh — I’m not even supposed to be back out of the house yet.”

comments: 2

Anonymous said...

My nephew calls non-mask wearers "rat-lickers". According to Wiktionary from persons who licked rats during the Bubonic plague to ward it off. Derogatory defintion: person who refuses to wear a mask during an infectious outbreak.

Or tell them that the next time they have surgery to tell their doctor they don't have to wear a mask.


Michael Leddy said...

New to me. But it’s already in Urban Dictionary!