Sunday, October 4, 2020

Sean Conley, MD

“It came off that we were trying to hide something, which wasn’t necessarily true”: Sean Conley, MD.

Necessarily ?

MD = Medical Dissembler.

comments: 3

The Crow said...

Conley stopped being an objective physician when he signed on with Trump, the Ultimate-("No, I am the Greatest!" sayeth the Trump)-Grand-master of the, I mean, Dissemblers Realm.

The Trump Machine will not allow an inconvenient truth to be uttered when it comes the Boss.

So, I have to ask: is Trump ill, or not? Is the diagnosis false news? Why can't Conley employ the Hippocratic Oath during these briefings? Perhaps he sold the HO down the river Styx with his soul when he took his oath of officed?

On the other hand, perhaps WH advisors are trying to forestall an economic collapse by diminishing the severity of Trump's condition?

I should be ashamed to admit this, but my first thought was that this was a hoax to prevent more debates like the first one. Wouldn't put it past him.

Sparky said...

Sean Conley,DO

Michael Leddy said...

@TheCrow: I don’t know what to think, which is of course the mindset the aspiring autocrat seeks to foster in his subjects: Who knows what’s true? And then a shrug. What I think is true: he has it, many around him have it, and the disinformation show is meant to prop up his image and keep him from getting even worse. Dementia and COVID are a dangerous combination, especially if the patient is calling the shots. The video of him sitting at a desk is pretty suspicious (there’s an obvious edit at 1:04, where it looks like he’s about to cough), and the photos of him “working” (in cufflinks?) are pretty obviously staged.

@Sparky: Yes, he’s an osteopath. But I’d say he’s earned his credentials as a Medical Dissembler in record time.