Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Like the Brontës, William Crimsworth’s new acquaintance Hunsden Yorke Hunsdsen appears to ascribe to physiognomy and phrenology:

Charlotte Brontë, The Professor (1857).

The Professor, published posthumously, is an odd duck. Of greatest interest: its principal characters (both teachers), its depiction of marriage, and, in the person of Mr. Hunsden, its barely coded presentation of a gay man.

Also from Charlotte Brontë
A word : Three words : Jane Eyre, descriptivist

[X—— is a mill town.]

comments: 3

Frex said...

I'm really enjoying the Charlotte Bronte quotes!
(And that's all my poor little brain can get together to say.)

Michael Leddy said...

I have a few more lined up. Warning, though: one is a sentence that helped me decide to give up on Shirley.

Frex said...

I'm looking forward to that sentence--
Now I wish I'd recorded the sentences that have stopped me reading a book.
"I can go no further."