Sunday, September 18, 2016

One more from The Writer’s Almanac

One more poem made from a week’s worth of poems from The Writer’s Almanac . This one is made of seven opening lines, Sunday through Saturday. I have taken small liberties with punctuation at the ends of lines, and I have joined two lines to make the poem’s second line.

“It is possible that things will not get better”: too true. Today The Writer’s Almanac has a poem by William Carlos Williams. And alas: the anecdotalism that pervades the website’s poetry choices and Keillor’s pious recitation make even Williams sound mundane: “There were some dirty plates / and a glass of milk / beside her on a small table.” I wish that there were a recording of Williams reading the poem for comparison.

More along these lines
“Last Words” : “Poem” : “Upside Down“

[PennSound has a great many recordings of Williams, just not of this poem.]

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