Thursday, February 4, 2016


[“And the Style of Tip”?]

In 2014, while beginning to empty my office bit by bit of its, or my, accumulations, I rediscovered a file folder full of good stuff. The folder itself was a rediscovery as well. I have a dozen or so of these Filex Visible Name Folders, which I vaguely remember picking up in graduate-student days from a bookcase where faculty left odds and ends from their offices. (Think immersion heaters , sickly plants .) Each of my folders has “an all celluloid tab with face set at an angle of 45°, making names and index easily visible.” The tab, attached with four eyelets, can easily tear skin. This folder is not playing.

I thought that the Internets would make it easy to learn about Filex Visible Name Folders and Rand-Globe style. But no. Rand is an important name in the history of office equipment, as is Globe. But Filex? Nothing. Rand-Globe? I have no idea. But the Visible Name name makes me think that this folder must be a Rand product.

[From The Blue Book of Chicago Commerce (1922).]

[From Buffalo Live Wire (January 1916). Click for a larger view.]

Here is a page with photographs of employees assembling file folders in North Tonawanda. Do my folders date from the 1940s? I have no idea. But they’ve already outlasted countless cheap, disposable folders of my acquaintance.

From the folder full of stuff
Aglio e olio : The Art Ensemble of Chicago in Boston : Coppola/“Godfather” sauce : Jim Doyle on education : Mary Backstayge marigold seeds : A Meeting with Ludwig Wittgenstein : Seventeen ideas about interpretation : Tile-pilfering questionnaire


  1. Fun fact: I grew up near North Tonawanda. One of our many great Indian names from the Niagara Frontier.

  2. Frex = Fresca
    I just went to see "Asphalt Jungle" tonight (first in a Film Noir series!).
    The police commissioner slaps a file folder, fat with wrongdoers, on his desk at one point, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if it was this brand!

  3. That’s one of my favorite films (even officially, in my Blogger Proflie). I’ll have to watch it again.

  4. For clarity: the exclamation point above means something like “It’s a small, small world.”


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