Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Books, books, jive sugar

Books, plant food, tea, cocoa, books, tea, books, cocoa, cassettes, books, Absolut Brooklyn ad, boom box, books, books, books, books, jive sugar, photograph of the Brooklyn Bridge, honey, tea, books, sugar, photograph of my son Ben, books, three-hole punch, books, books, books, books, books, books.

[Down and across, part of one wall in my office. Photograph by Rachel Leddy.]

"Jive Sugar" is the title of an Earl Hines tune, inspired by a fellow musician who said no to an artificial sweetener: "Don't hand me that jive sugar."

comments: 4

Geo-B said...

And students look around wide-eyed and ask, "Have you read all these?"

your daughter Rachel said...


T. said...

You are not going to BELIEVE this, but we have yet another moment of "blog synchronicity." I just put up a post about my favorite BOOKS. Then I come here and see...BOOKS! :)

Michael Leddy said...

George, I've never minded that question. My answer, always, has been "No, a lot of them, but not all of them" (which is the truth).

Rachel, you knew I had to put up this picture, no?

T., I'm going to read your post in the very near future.