[There’s a slight spoiler in what follows.]
Today’s Newsday Saturday Stumper is by Brad Wilber. It’s a good one, with many out of the way answers. Should out of the way be hyphenated? Do I need to look that up now? Let me revise: It’s a good one, with many unusual answers. And it uses every letter of the alphabet but V. (Which must mean something?)
I started with 1-A, eight letters, “Intricate weave.” Man, I just smashed that clue. Or rather, the answer. Smashed it to bits. That answer, even smashed, gave me 1-D, six letters, “Turnkey” and 2-D, six letters, “One end of the Erie Canal.” Folk music FTW.
Clue-and-answer pairs that I especially liked:
14-A, nine letters, “Precursor of leaving home.” Yes, that kind of home.
15-A, five letters, “‘Daytime’s Leading Lady.’” I watched her for years, crushing a bit.
19-A, six letters, “Compelling to go to court.” I learned something from this clue.
22-A, five letters, “Fund-raisers spoiled by showers.” No, that can’t be right. Oh, wait — it’s right.
37-A, seven letters, “CoverGirl makeup creator.” It feels so strange to write the name. I think this answer is an example of what crossword people mean by “crunchy.”
45-D, five letters, “Achilles, per Homer.” Huh. I’ve seen it as “fair,” “fiery,” “red-gold,” and “sandy.” In Homer’s Greek, it’s six letters: ξανθῆς. It must have been Achilles who said “If I’ve only one life . . . let me live it as a _____.”
50-A, three letters, “PR, for example.” Nice misdirection.
51-D, four letters, “It’s often found in salad bowls.” Especially mid-century modern ones, I think.
56-A, nine letters, “Fake cannon named for pacifists.” What?!
57-D, three letters, “Reader’s resource.” Not an APP.
58-A, five letters, “The Jetsons are on his autobio cover.” There’s an autobiography?!
One clue that rankled: 29-A, four letters, “He's not without egotism.” It’s one of those clues, and the answer is kinda forced.
No outright spoilers: the answers are in the comments.