Sunday, October 27, 2024


[36, 38, 40 White Street, c. 1939–1941. From the NYC Municipal Archives Collections. Click for a much larger view.]

I found this photograph by chance (swear), closing my eyes and clicking the mouse. Was the photographer more deliberate, wanting to catch this car in motion? Or did the driver just zoom into the frame?

These White Street addresses are found between Church Street and Broadway in Lower Manhattan, in an area once devoted to trade and now known as Tribeca (Triangle Below Canal). The first floor of no. 36 today houses a neon store. The first floor of no. 38, a purveyor of axes, knives, and camping gear. No. 40? No idea. What do the lofts on the upper floors go for? You can imagine.

Related reading
More photographs from the NYC Municipal Archives (Pinboard)

comments: 2

Anonymous said...

A little eerie

Michael Leddy said...

I’m accustomed to seeing blurred pedestrians in tax photos, but not cars.