Monday, October 21, 2024

Sesquipedalian Sluggo (with liverwurst)

[Nancy, March 6, 1962. Click for a larger view.]

This strip reminds me of a Bryan Garner story that explains his interest in guides to English usage:

When I was four, in 1962, my grandfather used Webster’s Second New International Dictionary as my booster seat. I started wondering what was in that big book.

Then, in 1974, when I was 15, one of the most important events of my life took place. A pretty girl in my neighborhood, Eloise, said to me, with big eyes and a smile: “You know, you have a really big vocabulary.” I had used the word facetious, and that prompted her comment.

It was a life-changing moment. I would never be the same.

I decided, quite consciously (though misguidedly), that if a big vocabulary impressed girls, I could excel at it as nobody ever had.
And I like that half of Sluggo’s big words are food-related.

Thanks, Brian.

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