Friday, October 25, 2024

Extraterrestrial replaces Anderson Cooper?

[Anderson Cooper? As seen on CNN, October 23, 2024. An unaltered photograph, with my phone close to the TV.]

I passed up watching Kamala Harris’s town hall on Wednesday night, but I watched a few clips yesterday, including one in which Anderson Cooper pressed Harris again and again and again about her changed position on fracking. Yes, she changed her position. How remarkable. Get over yourself, Anderson Cooper.

But wait a minute — is that Anderson Cooper? I know it sounds fantastic (as they say in old movies), but I think he’s been replaced by an extraterrestrial of the sort that once haunted the pages of the Weekly World News. Those ETs, or “space aliens,” could not be reached for comment. But consider the fellow who took Bill Clinton on a ride in a UFO, as reported in the WWN in December 1992. The resemblance to Wednesday night’s “Anderson Cooper” is remarkable.

[I couldn’t make this resemblance into a “separated at birth” post, for an obvious reason.]

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