Sunday, September 15, 2024

Twenty years of blogging

Orange Crate Art began on a Wednesday night, shortly after dinner, September 15, 2004. My children, Rachel and Ben, helped me get started. Rachel told me what to say for a first post.

Keeping this blog has brought me more possibilities of thinking and learning and sharing that I could have imagined. It’s made writing — work that always put my academic self in a state of high anxiety — a pleasure. More importantly, it’s kept me off the streets and out of trouble, at least for some chunk of time every day.

And now, onward.

comments: 16

Anonymous said...

Congratulations from Heber. It’s the kind of writing you enjoy writing and I enjoy reading.

Michael Leddy said...

Thanks, Heber. I’m reading you too.

Fresca said...

Thank you, Ben & Rachel!
Happy birthday to OCA, Michael.
You and your blog are both Virgos.
Top three qualities of Virgo (from astrologer Marz—standing right in front of me):
Sounds right to me.
Elements of quirky delight are imported from other constellations.

ChasM said...

I don't remember what first brought me here, or even how many of twenty years this charming bog has been in my RSS feed. What I do know is that only my wife ever gets the Mystery Actor.

Congratulations on 20 years. We all hope you keep it up.

Michael Leddy said...

Thanks, Fresca. Thanks, ChasM.

I have to add Ben’s name. Rachel told me what to say, but Ben and Rachel both helped me with HTML.

Geo-B said...


Tororo said...

Congratulations, constant blogger! Best anniversary wishes, young blog! Coincidentally, Blog and I we share the same birthday, but I'm a tad older: today I'm 70.

J D Lowe said...

Congratulations! Your blog is always interesting and entertaining. I'm looking forward to seeing more in the years ahead.

Michael Leddy said...

Thanks, George; thanks, Tororo; thanks, Jim. And bon anniversaire, Tororo.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Dad!

Michael Leddy said...

Thank you, young ’un.

Gunther said...

Congratulations, Michael! And thank you – I always enjoy reading your blog.

Daughter Number Three said...

Ah, 20! That's really something.

Michael Leddy said...

Thanks, Gunther. Thanks, Pat.

Stephen said...

Congratulations Michael, that is quite an anniversary!

Michael Leddy said...

Thanks, Stephen.