Friday, September 13, 2024

Blood libel redux

It occurred to me only this morning, reading a post by Daughter Number Three, that the eating-our-pets lunacy, is, like Pizzagate, a new version of the medieval blood libel. This time with Haitians, not Jews or Democrats; and with animals, not children.

It’s difficult to imagine that Donald Trump knows about the history of the blood libel. J.D. Vance, with his love of traditional Catholicism, likely does. The neo-Nazis who marched in Springfield, Ohio, likely do.

In his shambolic golf-course press conference this afternoon, Trump, ever the opportunist, declared that mass deportations would begin in Springfield and in Aurora, Colorado. What no reporter pointed out when Trump made that seemingly impromptu declaration is that Haitian immigrants in Springfield are there legally, as the city’s website makes clear.

Donald Trump has long been a stochastic terrorist. And now J.D. Vance is now one too. Springfield public schools and driver’s-license facilities are closed for a second day because of bomb threats.


As DN3 suggests, calling your senators and asking them to censure Vance is appropriate.

comments: 2

Daughter Number Three said...

I called my more likely senator to urge her to move to censure Vance for his Klannish attempt reenact the Rwanda genocide.

Michael Leddy said...

I just saw your post. I am going to call.both of mine.