Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Departure Mono

[Click for a larger view.]

Departure Mono is a font by Helena Zhang. The font’s website is by Tobias Fried. If you go that website, make sure to scroll all the way down.

I’m using Departure Mono for short-term fun, or sort-of fun. I made more mistakes in typing those green words than I’m willing to recount.

[Found via Daring Fireball.]

comments: 4

Fresca said...

"black and green" :)

Michael Leddy said...

Gotta love those Apple names. I do like Cayenne (dark red).

Matthew Schmeer said...

If you really want to play around with the old school computer feel, try out some of these fonts:

My favorite in this pack is Mx437 Apricot 200L set at 14 or 16 points, in orange (Hex #FFB000) on a black background. I use it in FocusWriter running in Linux on my $99 banger Chromebook and love it.

I'm going to have to give Departure Mono a spin, though it is a bit too thin for me on first glance.

Michael Leddy said...

Thanks, Matthew. Just seeing the names — Kaypro, Leading Edge, Olivetti — brings back my earliest computer awareness. Our first printer was an Olivetti, which did not work with a Panasonic “portable.” We ended up returning both.