Monday, September 16, 2024

The case of the slipaway sidebar

As you may notice, the OCA sidebar is gone, which means that I’ve likely messed something up in the HTML for a post. Paul Drake is on the case.


Fixed! A post to the Blogger Help Community has an easy way to spot the source of the problem: open the latest posts one by one until you find a post with the sidebar where it should be. And the post that came after that one (i.e., later in time) will be the culprit. In this case, it was a stray bit of HTML for an image — the annoying div stuff I am almost always careful to delete — that pushed the sidebar to the bottom of the page.

If you’re given to tweaking older posts — a word here, a spacing problem there — you’d best be careful, or you might be opening years of posts to find the problem. DIY: Drake doesn’t work cheap.

comments: 2

Geo-B said...

Ah, a liverwurst-onion sandwich . . .

Michael Leddy said...

I’ve never had one — just Gulden’s mustard. Strange — I read something somewhere recently about the onion sandwich as a rarefied form of sandwich art.