Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The New Grown-Ups: “Tom Paine’s Bones”

Our son Ben Leddy is front and center for this one.

Related posts
“Cumberland Gap” : “My Heart’s Own Love” : “The Devil’s Nine Questions” : “William Blake’s Dead” : “Lonesome Pine” : The New Grown-Ups at Bandcamp

comments: 5

Fresca said...

They’re good! And having fun—infectious.

Michael Leddy said...

No destruction of instruments onstage, etc. : )

Fresca said...

Oh, Michael I just emailed you that my comment hadn’t appeared, but here it is. Let me see if Blogger gives me the old message about “Your message has been saved”…

Fresca said...

PS. OK, that’s disconcerting – when I hit publish my message disappears but there’s no reassurance that it’s been saved, like blog are used to give.

Michael Leddy said...

Yeah, they’ve removed that text and also removed the option to add something of your own — “Be nice,” etc. Why remove that option? They’ve also removed names from old non-Google-account comments. I’ve noticed that because I see comments to which I replied with the commenter’s name, but the comment I’m replying to has no name. Strange.