Sunday, September 15, 2024

Just some diner?

[553 Union Street, Gowanus, Brooklyn, c. 1939–1941. From the NYC Municipal Archives Collections. Click for a much larger view.]

No, not just some diner. It’s Frank’s Diner. Or (look closely) Frank’s Union Diner. As in, “Say, how’s about we grab a cup o’ java while they’re changin’ th’ erl?”

Many details to notice in the photograph. The most interesting one: the advertisement for a radio show with Joe Penner (1904–1941), a comedian in vaudeville, radio, and film. His work is well represented at YouTube. You just have to watch a bit to notice a resemblance to Pee-wee Herman. You don’t even have to read his Wikipedia entry.

Thanks, Brian, who pointed me to this photograph some time ago. Now I'm there, and the java is great. The Joe (Penner), not so much.

[Click for a larger view.]


September 16: As jjdaddyo suggested in a comment, that appears to be an electric truck. I’d say that that’s the most interesting detail in the photograph. Strange: both a bakery and an electric vehicle company were named Ward.

Related reading
More photographs from the NYC Municipal Archives (Pinboard) : 557, 561, and 571 Union Street

comments: 6

Anonymous said...

Worth the wait

jjdaddyo said...

I believe that's an electric delivery truck. It's only taken us 80 years to get back to them.

Michael Leddy said...

Wow — I had no idea they were in use then. I did an image search for vintage electric delivery truck, and I think you’re right.

jjdaddyo said...

Michael Leddy said...

Thanks, jjdaddyo.

Michael Leddy said...

And here’a rabbithole I may have to enter: Ward was also the name of an electric delivery-truck manufacturer: