Thursday, March 5, 2020

“You must persist”

From an e-mail Elizabeth Warren sent this morning to donors, announcing the suspension of her campaign for the presidency:

So if you leave with only one thing, it must be this: Choose to fight only righteous fights, because then when things get tough — and they will — you will know that there is only option ahead of you: nevertheless, you must persist.
That sentence brought unexpected tears to my eyes.

[“Donors”: yes, that would be our household. I think Warren’s sentence should read “only one option.” But I didn’t notice until almost twelve hours later.]

comments: 4

The Crow said...

Today is a deeply humbling day for me: depressing news on several fronts, this being the most recent.


Michael Leddy said...

Let’s all of us keep other in mind and heart. You’re in mine.

The Subliminal Mr Dunn said...

She was and is the best.

Slywy said...

Needs proofreader. :)