Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Adults? Anyone?

The man on the left is out of his fucking mind. The man on the right too, I fear. And they’re standing — what? — less than two feet apart?

The adults in the room must step forward — or, if necessary, leave the room — and tell the truth, plainly and clearly. There’s too much at stake.

[On an unrelated note: you can remove additional content from an embedded tweet by choosing Set Customization Options and checking Hide Conversation. No need for more than one instance of the video clip in the tweet above.]

comments: 2

Fresca said...

. . . And the Easter Bunny will take away all the nasty bugs!!!

Anonymous said...

Just in time to spend those checks that we have all been promised!!!

Considering the states are having to step up for all of this, I am betting they wont' be doing so.
