[From The King of Comedy (dir. Martin Scorsese, 1982). Click any image for a larger view.]
This Chock full o’Nuts location was ready for its close-up but spent most of its screen time in the company of Sandra Bernhard (Masha) and Robert De Niro (Rupert Pupkin). And when the close-up came, the restaurant shared the screen with a wall.
Masha and Rupert stand and sit in front of Paramount Plaza, 1633 Broadway, Manhattan. The Chock full o’Nuts stood at 1627 Broadway, the southwest corner of 50th and Broadway. A clue: the now-gone Rivoli Theatre is across the street in the background (second screenshot).
In 1989 a New York Times article mentioned a 50th and Broadway location, likely this same southwest corner, as home to a food court, “adorned with an enormous electric sign that lures customers with the quintessential promise of Kentucky Fried Chicken, Nathan’s, Dunkin’ Donuts, Pizza Hut and Le Croissant Shop.” The food court’s parent company, the Riese Organization at one time owned Chock full o’Nuts.
The 1627 location is now home to — what else? — a Duane Reade.
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[In our household right now, five cans of Chock full o’Nuts coffee. And one empty can, whose silhouetted Manhattan skyline includes the World Trade Center. Missing from this post but in The King of Comedy: Jerry Lewis.]
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Chock full o’Nuts on the screen
Michael Leddy
9:27 AM
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comments: 3
This corner is also featured in "Marathon Man". Funny because Hoffman tells the girl to meet him at 51st and Broadway.
Thanks for that! Marathon Man also has <a href="https://mleddy.blogspot.com/2020/12/bergers-deli.html”>brief glimpses of Berger’s Deli and the Gotham Book Mart</a> on 47th Street.
Let me get that right:
Thanks for that! Marathon Man also has brief glimpses of Berger’s Deli and the Gotham Book Mart on 47th Street.
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