Saturday, March 23, 2013

LEGO telephone and typewriter

From BricksBen: a rotary telephone and manual typewriter made of LEGO. Beautiful.

A related post
A Brooklyn grows in Brooklyn (LEGO Brooklyn)

[The LEGO rule: “The first time the LEGO brand name appears it must be accompanied by the Registered symbol ®.” I take “first time” to refer to the first appearance of the LEGO name on my blog, in the 2011 post on a LEGO Brooklyn.]

Friday, March 22, 2013

Willa Cather’s letters

“For scholars it’s a major literary event, a chance at last to flesh out the understanding of a writer often seen as a remote bluestocking in big skirts and old-fashioned hats”: Willa Cather Letters to be Published as an Anthology (New York Times).

In a piece I wrote some years ago (now online), I characterized Cather as “a crypto-modernist, a modernist in nineteenth-century clothing.” I think that description still fits.

WTF punctuation question

The above Google search led a seeker of wisdom and truth to this Orange Crate Art post, I thought the search itself was amusing enough to warrant posting.


The guy was loud. His signal traveled well beyond his immediate surroundings, broadcasting a long story of corporate missteps. He of course was blameless: “I was AFK for almost two years.”

AFK? I had to look it up. How about you?

Related reading
All “overheard” posts (Pinboard)

John Ashbery on change

John Keats (“Ode on a Grecian Urn”) and Wallace Stevens (“Sunday Morning”) lurk in broad daylight in these beautiful lines.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


“Leading-edge leveraging of your plain-English skill set will ensure that your actionable items synergize future-proof assets with your global-knowledge repository”: Bryan Garner offers a Bizspeak Blacklist.

A related post
Changing the language of business

FeedBurner, broken

You know that something is seriously wrong when even the usually dormant FeedBurner Status Blog acknowledges the problem: “We have been encountering difficulties with our stats production pipeline for data representing March 18th thru 20th. We are currently working to resolve the issue.”

The frequency of posting on the FeedBurner Status Blog tells you something about Google’s interest in this service: the last post before today’s appeared on September 21, 2012. And Google’s FeedBurner Help Group has long been a self-help group, minus a higher power: there’s no one from Google reading or posting. I think I will be looking for another service in the near future.


March 22: FeedBurner is working again. But you’d never know it from the FeedBurner Status Blog.

No diagram needed

“You know what I love about you? I never have to draw you a diagram.”

From the Perry Mason episode “The Case of the Empty Tin,” first aired March 8, 1958. Alan Neil (Warren Stevens) is speaking to Miriam Hocksley (Mary Shipp).

Other Masonic posts
Perry Mason and Gilbert and Sullivan : Perry Mason and John Keats : Perry Mason’s office : Separated at birth? : Streetside gum machines


[Popular Mechanics, August 1931. Click for a larger view.]

Google Books . . . a rabbit hole. Popular Mechanics . . . a rabbit hole . . . within a rabbit hole. I found this advertisement while looking for something . . . else.

[Repeat after me: “You can learn at home . . . in your spare time . . . the Federal way.”]

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

“The Love Song of J. Alfred Brown”

[Peanuts, March 20, 2013. First published March 23, 1966. Click for a larger view.]

Charles Monroe Schulz channels Thomas Stearns Eliot.