Tuesday, December 24, 2024

A Christmas Eve joke in the traditional manner

Found on a whiteboard and shared by my friend Stefan Hagemann:

What did Santa pay for his sleigh?

The answer is in the comments.

comments: 7

Michael Leddy said...

Nothing. It was on the house.

Anonymous said...

Hey, that’s pretty funny! (I’d forgotten the punchline.)

Also, here’s a song link that may help erase (or entrench) the furniture business on “Best. Christmas. Ever.”:


Michael Leddy said...

New to me. A fun deadpan song!

Stefan said...

Oops! I didn’t mean to be anonymous. The joke was that I forgot the joke that I shared with you. I think I’ve figured out how to comment as me, though, and I’m glad you liked the Handsome Family song.

Michael Leddy said...

I thought that must have been you, Stefan. Then I figured it was Fresca, since she has just commented. Anyway, it's a fine joke. I've had it saved for Christmas Eve use since you shared it.

Tororo said...

Salutations et félicitations, Michael, et meilleurs vœux pour les fêtes et la nouvelle année.

Michael Leddy said...

Thanks, Tororo. :)