Thursday, February 22, 2024

The non-breaking hyphen

Every so often, or just often, I look at an old post and notice something wrong, a tpoy, an the extraneous word — see what I mean? I noticed something off in this post yesterday: Anthony Catalano, friend of Boro Park. So I called on a lesser-known hero of punctuation, the non-breaking hyphen: ‑.

Notice the difference:

Is it worth taking the time to fix an HTML glitch in a ten-year-old post? I think it is. And I think it’s worth sharing the news of the non-breaking hyphen, which should be better known, inside and outside Boro (no ‑ugh) Park.

A related post
A previous non-breaking hyphen to the rescue

[As I’m seeing this morning, the non-breaking hyphen displays differently in different browsers: longer in Safari in macOS, shorter in Safari in iOS, shorter in Brave (and, presumably, in other Chromium-based browsers).]

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