A multiple-choice question:
“Now you can pay for all of your joy-sparking moments with Klarna.” Klarna is
a. a goddess who provides joy-sparking momentsThe correct answer is c. But it’s strange: c. sounds like a combination of a. and b. Buy now, pay later. And you will pay. Because you know what they say about Klarna: Klarna’s a — no, that’s karma. Never mind.
b. a goddess who punishes those who enjoy joy-sparking moments
c. “the smooothest and safest way to get what you want today, and pay over time”
I found the sentence about joy-sparking moments at Marie Kondo’s website, where I marveled, briefly, at the possibility that someone would spend $49.99 for a box. Fresca just made a painting of the box, complete with electricity.
[Unless it’s a Hobson’s choice, isn’t any matter of choice a “multiple choice”? “Multiple choice” reminds me of “compare and contrast,” which Bryan Garner calls “an English teacher’s redundancy.”]
comments: 4
Thanks for putting me onto the latest Buy A Box™ scheme.
I am eating oatmeal and I almost lost a mouthful reading, "I marveled, briefly, at the possibility that someone would spend $49.99 for a box."
But Fresca, it’s “designed to slide.” How many boxes can say that?
If you find it hard to believe that people would spend $50 on a (slidable) box, you might want to check out Goop ... many ways to spend ridiculous amounts on (frequently questionable) products, many NSFW.
Here's a nice candle for a very reasonable $175. There are other candles that are a little hard to believe.
I’m aware of Goop and their more dubious offerings but didn’t know about their prices. At least they include matches with the candle. I wonder how people ever managed to meditate without a $175 candle to help.
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