Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Diacritics with an external iPad keyboard

With a Mac, iPad, or iPhone, you just hold down a key to get a display of characters with diacritics. With an external iPad keyboard, diacritics are not especially intuitive. The Option key (⌥) is key. Briefly:

⌥ + E, followed by letter: acute accent

⌥ + `, followed by letter: grave accent

⌥ + I, followed by letter: circumflex

⌥ + N, followed by letter: tilde

⌥ + U, followed by letter: umlaut

⌥ + C: cedilla
Thus déjà vu, fête, mañana, Mädchen, garçon.

The key combination that needs glossing is ⌥ + `, which uses the sadly neglected accent that sits below the tilde in the upper-left corner of the keyboard. Yes, it might be mistaken for a single quotation mark.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021


[Click for a larger skullface.]

It appears to be faintly smiling. I think it knows something.

[My first thought was “Cookie Monster.” But the skull shape is so clear, and Halloween is approaching. I say Skullface.]

A guest lecture

I had a guest lecturer coming to talk to my class. When I walked into the room, the guest was already there, standing at the front of the room, ready to begin. I said I first wanted to take a minute or two to show my students how I had solved a problem with a sentence. I handed out strips of paper with the sentence, which was about Lorine Niedecker’s poetry, and had something to do with making clear the difference between “blue-black and green” and “blue, black, and green.”

I took a seat and looked for my copy of the sentence in the sheaf of papers I’d brought to class and found another strip of paper with a much longer sentence about political philosophy. And I realized that there was nothing in it about colors. I asked the student sitting next to me if I could borrow his strip of paper. I had just handed out copies, but he didn’t have one.

Then a student two desks away volunteered how much he liked Simon and Garfunkel. Yes, I said, Paul Simon’s songs really hold up, though I always thought that Simon and Garfunkel’s albums suffer from too much production.

Half an hour of class time had now gone by. Twenty minutes left.

Another student volunteered to let me borrow her strip of paper. It was, she explained, in her underwear. She proceeded to remove her bloomers from under her dress — yes, bloomers, bright pink, made of crepe — and handed them to me. I asked her if she could remove the piece of paper herself.

Related reading
All OCA teaching dreams (Pinboard)

[This is the twenty-third teaching-related dream I’ve had since retiring. In all but one, something has gone wrong.]

Monday, October 18, 2021

“Idiosyncratic excess”


This sentence represents an extreme instance of Anne Brontë’s idiosyncratic excess and defect in the use of commas. I have not deleted the formally intrusive comma after “Because,” because I have chosen to read it as an emotional notation indicating the staccato breathlessness of speech under high stress; neither have I inserted a comma between “a trifle more” and “I imagine,” which may therefore represent the outpouring of indignation Anne Brontë intended.
I think I’m going to stop reading the notes in my edition of The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. ”Idiosyncratic excess” too often describes the editor’s commentary.

Gotham Book Mart

For many years the Gotham Book Mart (1920–2007) stood at 41 West 47th Street in Manhattan. But when the WPA and the New York City Department of Taxation were photographing all city properties (1939–1941), the Gotham made its home at 51 West 47th. That must be the Wise Men Fish Here sign hanging above the door. I’d love to be able to see what books (and prints?) were on display in the window.

[Gotham Book Mart, 51 West 47th Street, c. 1939—1941. Click for a larger view.]

Related posts
Andreas Brown (1933–2020) : Berger’s Deli : A Gotham bookmark, by Edward Gorey : A Gotham tumblr

[All the Gotham addresses: 128 W. 45th Street (1920–1923), 51 W. 47th (1923–1946), 41 W. 47th (1946–2004), 16 E. 46th (2004–2007). Sources: Bill Morgan, The Beat Generation in New York: A Walking Tour of Jack Kerouac’s City (1997) and a 2004 New York Times article.]

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Merriam-Webster and Typeshift

“The standards for word-based games continue to evolve”: The Washington Post reports on a dictionary, a game, and words.

John McWhorter on Othello at Michigan

I find myself disagreeing with John McWhorter about lots of things. (For instance.) But I think his discussion of Othello at Michigan gets it right.

[But “Were me and my students missing something”? Block that pronoun: “my students and I.”]

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Today’s Saturday Stumper

Today’s Newsday  Saturday Stumper is by “Lester Ruff,” or Stan Newman, the puzzle’s editor. It felt to me like a New Yorker Monday — not too rough (but also not as self-consciously hep). A kinder, gentler Stumper.

Some clue-and-answer pairs I especially liked:

1-D, four letters, “Partner in eye health.” I’ve known the answer from childhood, but with no relation to eye health.

10-D, seven letters, “Big name in big heads.” EGOTISM? No, that’s a word, not a name. It’s a good clue for an ugly, ugly name.

14-A, ten letters, “What may infuse olive oil.” MOREGARLIC? This idea is new to me.

13-D, five letters, “Apple, mostly.” What kind of Apple/apple?

17-A, ten letters, “Rather soft.” I liked seeing the answer, new to me in crosswords.

20-A, nine letters, “45 descendants.” Ugh — I thought of you-know-who. Fortunately, the answer has nothing to do with his spawn.

25-D, four letters, “They may get into a jam.” Yes, but it’s harmless fun.

26-D, ten letters, “Number associated with Yale.” I sometimes wonder what it might be like to be a Yale grad and see oneself — as ELI — in crosswords day after day. Would one preen? Swell with self-regard? The closest I’ve gotten to Yale: 1. watching Gilmore Girls, 2. eating pizza from Frank Pepe, though not at the same time.

34-A, three letters, “Olympic VIP.” Ha.

56-A, ten letters, “Crime story where the perpetrator is revealed early.” New to me, but I realize that it describes every episode of Colombo. Is this a well-known term?

No spoilers; the answers are in the comments.

National Dictionary Day

In case you hadn’t noticed: it’s National Dictionary Day. Here to celebrate are some pages from an unusual item available at, a salesperson’s 1937 demonstration model of Webster’s New International Dictionary, second edition, aka Webster’s Second or W2.

The comments at are cranky: “random pages,” “of little or no value.” What the commenters fail to understand is that this item isn’t the dictionary but a tool with which to sell the dictionary. Thus, promotional pages, front matter, color plates, sample pages of entries, an advertisement for dictionary stands, and endorsements. “Here for the seeker are many evenings of word orgies,” promises O. O. McIntyre, newspaper columnist.

Click on any image for a much larger view. And don’t miss the weigh-in.

Dictionaries are in the news today: Madeline Kripke’s dictionary collection will have a new home in Indiana University’s Lilly Library.

Related reading
All OCA dictionary posts (Pinboard)

Friday, October 15, 2021

Mongol sighting

[Elizabeth Wilson as Dr. Anna Willson, Cliff Robertson as Lee Tucker. From Man on a Swing (dir. Frank Perry, 1974). Click either image for a larger view.]

Elizabeth Wilson might be recognizable as “Mrs. Braddock” (no first name), Ben’s mother in The Graduate. A Mongol pencil is always recognizable as itself.

Related reading
All OCA Mongol pencil posts (Pinboard)