Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Arte Johnson (1929–2019)

The actor and comedian Arte Johnson has died at the age of ninety. Readers of a certain age will remember him from Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In. The New York Times has an obituary.

Arte Johnson appeared in these pages in 2018 in a screenshot from his big-screen debut.

An afterthought

Re: “argued forcefully”: I wonder if argue is about to become the new say. Compare the way speakers and writers use refute in place of rebut.

Garner’s Modern English Usage:

Refute is not synonymous with rebut or deny. That is, it doesn’t mean merely “to counter an argument” but “to disprove beyond doubt; to prove a statement false.”
To rebut is not to refute, and to say is not to argue.

A related post
Misused word of the day: refute

No argument

I turned on MSNBC for just a few minutes to hear Kelly O'Donnell say, twice, that Donald Trump “argued forcefully” for the inclusion of a citizenship question in the 2020 census. That’s an odd claim, partly because it uses a near-Trumpian adverb (Trump might have said “very strongly”), partly because Trump's insistence has nothing to do with making an argument. To argue is “to give reasons for or against something.” To demand or insist is not to argue.

“Like a pair of trousers”

A planning session for the Parallel Campaign has ended. Diotima is alone in her apartment with Paul Arnheim, industrialist and writer. She realizes that no man other than her husband “had ever been so domestically alone with her that one palpably felt the mute life of the empty apartment.”

Robert Musil, The Man Without Qualities. 1930–1943. Trans. Sophie Wilkins (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1995).

Musil’s gift for metaphor and simile is unending.

Related reading
All OCA Robert Musil posts (Pinboard)


[“His Mind Is a Bus.” Zippy, July 3, 2019.]

Days of future past. A Wikipedia article says that “There are still two Futurliners unaccounted for.” I think that number is now done to one.

Related reading
All OCA Zippy posts (Pinboard)

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

The challenge and responsibility
of personhood

John Green, from “Hawaiian Pizza and Viral Meningitis,” an episode of The Anthropocene Reviewed:

The challenge and responsibility of personhood, it seems to me, is to recognize personhood in others, to listen to others’ pain and take it seriously, even when you yourself cannot feel it.
These words are relevant at our southern border, and everywhere else.

Islands for sale

Two of them. Price: $13 million. Says their owner, “I thought I would have great thoughts out here.”

Committees, committees

It’s 1913. Diotima Tuzzi has a plan for the development of the Parallel Campaign, a public-relations project to celebrate Austria and the Emperor Franz Joseph in 1918:

Robert Musil, The Man Without Qualities. 1930–1943. Trans. Sophie Wilkins (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1995).

Related reading
All OCA Robert Musil posts (Pinboard)

[Committees and more committees: it all sounds mighty familiar.]

Monday, July 1, 2019


It’s the easy-to-say acronym that’s sweeping this blog post: TSWOCABTTS, pronounced \ ˈswō-ka-bits \.

It is an acronym, not an initialism. The first T is silent, as in General Tso. The letters stand for Television Show Whose Opening Credits Are Better Than The Show.

My nominee: Welome Back, Kotter, whose opening credits I could watch (and have watched) again and again. Elaine’s nomination: The Flintstones. What’s yours?

The Irish “grand”

Stan Carey looks at the Irish “grand.” A bit late, but I better understand one of my grandmothers now. Worth clicking through for the astonishing headline from The Irish Times.

A related post
“Mother, you always pick the grandest things”