Monday, February 25, 2013

Lines after Marianne Moore

While teaching some Marianne Moore poems, I invited students to write, if they wanted to (and they did), a two-stanza comment on Moore’s “Poetry,” using the stanza form of another Moore poem, “The Fish.” That five-line stanzas of that poem are organized by a rhyme scheme, AABBC, and a syllable count: one, three, nine, six, eight. Why? Because. I think of Moore’s singular designs in relation to William Carlos Williams’s contention that the poet creates “new forms as additions to nature,” marvelous constructions that take their places among the things of the world.

I too wrote two stanzas. My title is the title of Moore’s poem; thus the quotation marks:

Did amphibian inspire quotidian? Or vice versa? There’s no knowing.

Other Marianne Moore posts
A few notes
Marianne Moore magic
Marianne Moore on writing
Q and A

More trouble for Barnes & Noble

The news is not good:

Barnes & Noble, the nation’s largest book chain, warned that when it reports fiscal 2013 third-quarter results on Thursday, losses in its Nook Media division — which includes sales of e-books and devices — will be greater than the year before and that the unit’s revenue for all of fiscal 2013 would be far below projections it gave of $3 billion.

The problem was not so much the extent of the losses, but what the losses might signal: that the digital approach that Barnes & Noble has been heavily investing in as its future for the last several years has essentially run its course.
Related posts
Barnes & Noble v. Amazon
Barnes & Noble v. Amazon (2)
Whither Barnes & Noble?

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Hi and Lois watch

[Hi and Lois, February 24, 2013.]

Yes, this post is the third Hi and Lois post in four days. But you know what Dr. Johnson said: “When a man is tired of Hi and Lois, he is tired of life.” Although it is true that he spoke in the earliest years of this long-running strip.

In 2008, I noticed that Trixie was riding in the front seat of the Flagston family car. Ever since I’ve kept an eye out for Hi-Lo incongruities and mishaps. In 2010, Trixie was stashed in the back of the family’s station wagon. So I feel honor-bound to note that today Trixie rides safely in a car seat.

Related reading
All Hi and Lois posts (Pinboard)

[I know: Lois isn’t wearing a seat belt.]

RU Post-it

A young man is covering the Rutgers University campus with Post-it Notes that bear inspiring words. I like that. Read more:

RU Post-it Anonymous (Rumblr)
RU Post-it Anonymous (Twitter)
Student behind Rutgers’s anonymous Post-it notes comes clean (

I suppose that RU Post-it is a twenty-first use for a Post-it Note. Thanks, Rob, for passing on this story.

A pencil-sharpener problem

It’s not what you might expect though.

This Google search — write a story problem: 7,241 broken pencil sharpeners — brought a wayfaring stranger to the shores of Orange Crate Art. Her or his wish is my command. Here goes:

There are 7,241 broken pencil sharpeners in the town of Point Pleasant. If the town has 557 repair centers, can they divide the repairs equally? Show your work.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Kentile Floors

Brooklyn wouldn’t be Brooklyn without Kentile Floors.


February 24: As Pete Lit points out in a comment, there’s a Kentile sign in Chicago. Who knew? Not me.

TAL at Harper High School

Chicago’s Harper High School is the subject of two episodes of This American Life. The toll of gun violence from the 2011–2012 school year: twenty-nine current and former students shot; twenty-one wounded, eight killed.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Recently updated

Separated at birth? Ted Cruz’s resemblance to Joseph McCarthy deepens. Now with allegations of Communists at Harvard Law School.

Hi and Lois watch

[Hi and Lois, February 22, 2013.]

If I were one of those people who think that their radios and televisions are sending them secret messages, I would wonder what’s going on here. But I’m not, and I don’t. Far right, that’s a Led Zeppelin poster, nothing more, nothing less. It has nothing to do with Leddy. Still, you gotta wonder.¹

Related reading
All Hi and Lois posts (Pinboard)

¹No, you don’t, not really.

[By the way: what is that stuff in the bottom-left corner?]

Hats off to Allaway

[Life, April 24, 1950.]

I’d like to know something about the hand that made this lovely piece of commercial art. It appears under the heading “A Chorus of Praise” in an advertisement for AC Spark Plugs. The tiny lettering in the lower left corner appears to be the artist’s name, Allaway. It took two trips to the library, the second with a loupe, to figure that out. Thanks, library. Thanks, loupe. I’ve been unable though to find out anything about the artist.

How many hat-and-glove pairings in this picture signify specific occupations? I see nine before starting to guess. You?

[Post title inspired by an old song.]