Saturday, June 12, 2010

Bathroom remodeling

My son Ben passes on a suggestion for bathroom remodeling. Thanks, Ben!

Tazo Wild Sweet Orange

Orange tea art: “lemongrass, blackberry leaves, citric acid, rose hips, spearmint, natural flavors, orange peel, safflower, hibiscus flowers, rose petals, natural orange essence, ginger, and licorice root.”

Wild Sweet Orange tastes like two teas in one, mellow orange and zingy lemongrass. (Mmm … lemongrass.)

This tea would go well with this mug, no?

A related post
Decaf-tea taste-tests

Friday, June 11, 2010

Mozy :)

The Mozy story comes to a happy ending (I think). From Mozy’s discussion pages: “The ConnectionError issue is fixed and your backups should be running smooth again.” Work is still underway on an unrelated problem I’m not familiar with.

I’m impressed that Mozy has recognized the need for better communication with its customers. As I wrote in an e-mail to the company earlier this week, the frustrating thing with the ConnectionError issue for me was not so much the lack of backup as it was the lack of response from Mozy. The company’s increased presence in discussion threads about the issue shows a genuine interest in doing a better job of responding to customers’ concerns. And backup now works.

And yes, I can again recommend Mozy.

Related posts
Mozy :(
Mozy, continued

David Foster Wallace
commencement audio

A recording of David Foster Wallace delivering his 2005 Kenyon College commencement address is now available from The recording may also be had from Amazon and iTunes.

Every young adult in the country should read this speech. (Or, okay, listen to.)


Domestic comedy

“Every year, I get closer to being Aunt Bee’s age.”

Related reading
All “domestic comedy” posts

Mozy, continued, continued

I’ve updated a post detailing problems with the online backup service Mozy. This story may — may — be moving toward a happy ending.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The ’sation

The word halfalogue — meaning “an overheard one-sided cellphone conversation” — is now in the air. I want to suggest an alternative, which I invented while taking a walk with my wife Elaine this morning:

’sation \ 'sā-shən \ noun
: an overheard one-sided cellphone conversation

Sample sentence: That ’sation almost drove me crazy.
’Sation is derived from the (now nearly archaic) word conversation. A ’sation is half a conversation.

’Sations can offer bits of lurid entertainment and truth-telling. But more often, ’sations are merely annoying (just like the apostrophe that introduces the word). If it’s true that ’sations are more difficult than conversations to ignore, I would guess that at least two factors are involved: an alertness to unfamilar patterns of speech and silence and the mind’s disposition to make meaningful what we hear.

(Thanks for the walk, Elaine!)

More made-up words
Humormeter : oveness : power-sit : skeptiphobia

Infinite Jest, “almost grotesquely lovely”

The young woman known as the P.G.O.A.T. (“the Prettiest Girl of All Time”) is “almost grotesquely lovely”:

She made the Moms look like the sort of piece of fruit you think you want to take out of the bin and but then once you’re right there over the bin you put back because from close up you can see a much fresher and less preserved-seeming piece of fruit elsewhere in the bin.

David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest (Boston: Little, Brown, 1996).
It’s that repeated bin that makes this sentence (to me at least) so funny.

Other Infinite Jest posts
Attention : Description : Romance : Telephony

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Mozy, continued, continued

I’ve updated the second of two posts detailing problems with the online backup service Mozy. It’s now sixteen days with no backup.

Jack Kerouac’s last typewriter

On June 22, 2010, Christie’s will auction a Hermes 3000 manual typewriter that belonged to Jack Kerouac. He used it from 1966 to 1969 (the year of his death). The estimated price: $20,000–$30,000. Says Christie’s,

This typewriter had to make a visit to the repairman in January 1969. The repairman’s receipt for $22.83 (which survives in the Kerouac Papers), diagnoses the problem as “Dropped.” The Kerouac Papers also contain the Hermes operating manual for this typewriter.
The machine is described as being “in good working condition.” There’s also an Army surplus backpack for sale.

[June 22, 2010: The typewriter sold for $22,500.]

Jack Kerouac’s backpack and typewriter (Christie’s)