Saturday, May 30, 2009

Benny Goodman's 100th

"Hollywood Hotel, good morning. Benny Goodman? I'm sorry, but he's rehearsing in the Orchid Room and can't be disturbed."

Benjamin David Goodman was born 100 years ago today.

John McDonough, How Benny Goodman Won Over America (NPR)
Robert McHenry, Benny Goodman @ 100 (Britannica Blog)
Tom Vitale, Benny Goodman: Forever The King Of Swing (NPR)

The Benny Goodman Orchestra and Quartet: clips from Hollywood Hotel (dir. Busby Berkeley, 1937): "Sing, Sing, Sing" (Louis Prima) and "I've Got a Heartful of Music" (Richard A. Whiting–Johnny Mercer). With Harry James (trumpet), Teddy Wilson (piano), Lionel Hampton (vibraphone), Gene Krupa (drums) (via Dailymotion).

[Photograph from New York World's Fair records, 1939-1940, via the NYPL Digital Gallery.]

Friday, May 29, 2009

"So cheap, so accessible"

Charles McGrath tries the Kindle:

Books for the Kindle are so cheap and so accessible, turning up on your device within seconds, that you wind up buying them impulsively and almost indiscriminately.

One evening my wife wanted to check a passage from Dombey and Son, which she had been listening to in the car. Ninety-nine cents, a typed-in phrase and, bingo, there it was.

By-the-Book Reader Meets the Kindle (New York Times)
That's great for Amazon. And for Mrs. McGrath, of course. I've used Google Book Search many times to check a sentence or passage. But when a novel becomes almost disposable, something one can buy for one-off use (like a cheap hat or umbrella), I worry that what's happened to music is now happening to books.

The comments on this article are worth reading too.

A related post
No Kindle for me

David Barringer on books

Graphic designer and writer David Barringer, interviewed by Ellen Lupton:

Some people argue that books are becoming more like art objects, released from the pressure to convey a narrative and liberated into the world of wacky dimensionality. Sure, it would be fun to attach half a beach ball on the front cover, the other half on the back cover, and inflate them both for the ultimate beach book. But I've seen many friends who are avid readers turn toward their shelves of books and regard them as they would a photo album of their own lives. We take the contents of books into our imaginations, and our personalities are influenced by them. Looking at the books on my shelves, I feel memories bloom, my own life come back to me. Books are triggers for remembering where we have been, and who we are. A book is like a body part, and when you die and your connection to the book is broken, the book dies a little, too.

A Conversation With David Barringer (Design Observer)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

My Dinner with André: Criterion DVD

"I think if you could become fully aware of what existed in the cigar store next door to this restaurant, I think it would just blow your brains out."
At last: My Dinner with André (dir. Louis Malle, 1981) will be released on June 23 in a Criterion Collection edition. I've been waiting for this one for years.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

"Proud non-reader"

Sometimes people write novels and they just be so wordy and so self-absorbed. I am not a fan of books. I would never want a book's autograph. I am a proud non-reader of books.
Kanye West, on the occasion of his first book, Thank You and You're Welcome. Further ironies via the link:

"Proud non-reader" Kanye West turns author (Reuters)

And if there's any doubt: Snopes confirms the authenticity of the quotation.

(Thanks, Rachel!)

When comics collide

[Mark Trail and one panel of Hi and Lois, May 27, 2009.]

I read Mark Trail only occasionally. I'm glad that I read Mark Trail today. Click the image for a larger view and see why.

Related reading
All Hi and Lois posts
Online comics

Erin McKean talks

"Why isn't asshat in the dictionary?"
Lexicographer Erin McKean talks about how dictionaries are made:

Erin McKean at Gel 2006 (19:30)

(via Good Experience)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Blogging and introversion

Jonathan Rauch:

I suspect a lot of bloggers may be introverts, because blogging is great if you like to sit in front of the internet all day.

Eight questions for Jonathan Rauch (Economist)

Jonathan Rauch is the author of the celebrated Atlantic article Caring for Your Introvert.

Review: Squeezed,
the orange juice book

Alissa Hamilton, Squeezed: What You Don't Know About Orange Juice. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2009. $30.

                              A gown made of the finest wool,
                              Which from our pretty lambs we pull

Christopher Marlowe's "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love" presents a pastoral dream, a world in which labor is non-existent or non-laborious, in which the line between nature and material culture has been dissolved. In the lines above, lambs turn into wool turns into gown as by magic. To adapt the lingo of the orange juice industry, the gown is "fresh-pulled."

Orange juice too is a pastoral dream. As Alissa Hamilton notes, the American imagination regards orange juice as purity and simplicity. Think of the Tropicana carton, with drinking straw stuck in fruit. Or Simply Orange, as one brand name proclaims. Hamilton's purpose in writing Squeezed is to make us see orange juice anew: "to make you look at [it] differently and begin to see through the opaque packages of food that surround you."

Florida orange juice began in the early twentieth century, with an effort to increase citrus sales via the promotion of household juice extractors. Canned orange juice, developed in the 1930s, disappointed: the heat of pasteurization damaged flavor. The breakthrough in processed juice came in 1948, with Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice (FCOJ), the "Cinderella Product," as it was called, which brought far greater returns to growers than fresh fruit or canned juice. And then came flash pasteurization, which led to the rise of Not From Concentrate juice (NFC).

Processed juice, as Hamilton tells the story, is hardly pure and simple. The story has at its core six months of Food and Drug Administration hearings (1961) that sought to establish standards of identity for orange-juice products. The hearings turned on strange, almost philosophical questions. Does freezing alter the identity of juice? Is "chilled" an appropriate description of pasteurized juice? Is orange juice defined by chemical composition or by the process of its making? The standards of identity that emerged from the hearings resulted in ingredient lists that imparted minimal information to the consumer, conceived as an archetypal homemaker who did not care about and would only be confused by the complexities of food processing.

NFC, which dominates juice sales and is most associated with all that's pure and simple, is indeed a processed product. Its story involves chemistry, globalization, and questions of land use. Oranges undergo what the industry calls "hard extraction" (not a gentle squeeze). Extracted juice is vacuum-stripped of oxygen, de-oiled, and held in massive tanks (holding as much as 1.5 million gallons), sometimes for more than a year, before being made palatable via a "flavor pack," a proprietary blend of orange essence and orange oil, themselves composed of hundreds of chemicals. (Ethyl butyrate is the one that most pleases North American palates.) The flavor pack is water-soluble, which means that some water goes in with it. But it's still Florida orange juice, right? Not really: as Florida growers lose land to real-estate developers, more and more oranges and essence and oil come from Brazil, where land and labor are cheaper and environmental regulation minimal.

Hamilton points out that not even people in the juice business can distinguish NFC from FCOJ. The alleged simplicity and superiority of NFC are in essence (and oil) fictions of advertising. Still, NFC is not cigarettes, and Hamilton is not suggesting that NFC is hazardous to health. Her argument rather is that a consumer's right to know how foods are produced must extend beyond matters of health risks (as with halal, kosher, and organic foods):

Unless we as consumers are provided with factual information, we cannot accurately assess what and what not to worry about. We cannot properly rank our priorities. We cannot make meaningful choices regarding the massive number of industrial products on the market.
Squeezed could use more careful editing ("There ends the parallels," remonstrate confused with rebuke), and the book could be enlivened with more visual materials. Its photographs of orange-juice people and places seem oddly remote, like items in a decades-old textbook. It'd be nice to see photographs of NFC cartons, with their minimal ingredient lists and their attempts to make the word pasteurized nearly invisible. Perhaps Hamilton prefers that the reader look at these cartons on supermarket shelves, and then start looking at other packaging with the same attention.

Pre-Squeezed, my knowledge of orange juice would have fit nicely in a five-ounce glass, one already filled with juice and set beside my morning tea. In other words, I knew next to nothing. Reading Squeezed has opened my eyes. I've been kicked out of the garden — of the Florida Sunshine Tree, that is — and into a state of knowledge.

[Thanks to Yale University Press for a review copy of this book.]

Monday, May 25, 2009

Jay Bennett (1963-2009)

Jay Bennett, ex-Wilco, died on Sunday in Urbana, Illinois. At the time of his death, he was in need of hip-replacement surgery and without health insurance. Unspeakably sad.

Jay Bennett, dead at age 45 (Chicago Sun-Times)
Jay Bennett dies at age 45 (Chicago Tribune)