Monday, August 28, 2023

Goodbye, (dumb) TV

Last week our household stepped into the world of today. We bought a smart TV, suspecting that the endless freezes we were experiencing with our dumb TV and a Roku Stick might disappear with a new machine. And they have.

It is difficult to find a home for an old TV. Our Habitat for Humanity ReStore won’t take them, dumb or smart. Elaine’s offer on Facebook found no taker. So we put the TV and its remote out on the grass: “Free, works fine.” Both were gone within a couple of hours. (We kept checking.)

Goodbye, (dumb) TV. Thank you for your service. Stay away from landfills.

comments: 2

Josh said...

I acquired an old Colecovision, which only required a cheap ($4) adapter to get it working. Looking through some resources online, it would have required substantial effort to get it running on a modern TV.

I was glad we kept an old TV for such an emergency.

Michael Leddy said...


The one we got rid of was a flat-screen. I hope someone is using it as a monitor somewhere.