Sunday, November 6, 2022

Got twine?

[4701 New Utrecht Avenue, Boro Park, Brooklyn, c. 1939–1941. From the NYC Municipal Archives Collections. Click either image for a much larger view.]

I continue to wander the streets of a lost city. Just call me the Ghost of Brooklyn Past.

Here, under the El tracks, is the Culver Paper Co., named perhaps after the Culver Line? I was drawn to this storefront by the attention its signage gives to the most humble goods. To the left: PAPER TWINE. To the right: PAPER BAGS TWINE SUNDRIES. TOYS and HOUSE FURNISHING (also to the right) take us into pricier territory. I would guess that PARTY GOODS (above the door) would cost somewhere between bags and furnishing.

Back in a certain day, twine was everywhere, securing packages and furnishing little loops by which to hang up, say, a dustpan or flyswatter on a kitchen door. But when did you last see a store announce itself as a purveryor of twine? Or, for that matter, of sundries? O dowdy world, that had such storefronts in’t.

Today 4701 houses a silver repair service. I doubt that anyone would leave a carriage outside while dropping off the silver, though the carriage in the photograph looks as if it might be holding merchandise, not a waiting baby.

The long-gone candy store in the second photograph is a bonus. We can head there now for imaginary ice cream.

Related reading
More OCA posts with photographs from the NYC Municipal Archives


  1. you tied everything together nicely

    used for books as well


    Another paper (twine?) store, connection unknown

  3. It looks like it could be TWINE. I don’t know what else it could be.


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