Sunday, May 2, 2021

Additional reverie

“It all checks out, Perry. The bookmobiles in both Indy and Brooklyn use Remington Rand. The Brooklyn branch libraries: also Remington Rand.”

[Paul Drake flips his notebook shut.]

“That covers the charging systems, Paul. But there’s still something we don’t know: what book Mrs. Dorothy Deck checked out — and when it’s due.”

[Drake rolls eyes, exits, and heads for the Los Angeles International Airport to book a seat on the next flight to Indianapolis.]

comments: 2

Slywy said...

Every time I saw "charging," my mind went to "battery charging," and so I was confused. It hit me randomly tonight that borrowing was called "charging." I think.

Michael Leddy said...

I think they still refer to books as being “charged out,” but “charging” does feel dated.