Monday, July 1, 2013

A poem for RZ

I just thought of it:

I wrote this poem in 2005 while teaching a poetry class in which the students wrote poems addressed to friends. The emphasis was on being private in public, writing in a way that would make sense to the poem’s recipient but might seem cryptic to others. Now the poem seems cryptic to me. The only frame of reference I can remember for it: snow. Snow was general all over the northeast and midwest.

Rob Zseleczky (1957–2013)


  1. Well, perhaps I'm being obvious, but it echoes Keats' "Ode on a Grecian Urn" and Stevens' "The Snow Man."

  2. Yes, Keats. What I should’ve written is that I don’t remember the life stuff that got into the poem — whatever it was that accounted for the sign in the title, the empty pockets.

    Where do you hear Stevens?

  3. It's about snow and Stevens' poem ends:

    And, nothing himself, beholds
    Nothing that is not there and the nothing that is.

  4. Now I see — I didn’t think about repetition at the end.


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