Monday, January 21, 2008


Our debate watching was interrupted by a phone call for Elaine (an interview for a composers' website). As she wended her way back to the living room, I gave her a report on Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton:

"He's doing really well, but she's really taken the gloves off."

"Her clothes?"

"Her gloves."
The Clintons' cynical, contemptuous treatment of Obama worsens. Hillary Clinton may get the nomination, but there are already many Democrats who will not vote for her in the general election. (I'm one of them.)

Related reading
Obama v Clinton/Clinton (ABC News)

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  1. Seconded.

    Every time she trots out something like "working for a slumlord" I start grinding my teeth and wishing I could fast forward to one of the other candidates.

    Here's to Obama-Edwards.

  2. MIchael,
    As I watched footage from the debate this morning, that was exactly what I thought to myself. If she wins the nomination, I can't vote for her.

  3. If you don't mind answering, who would you vote for if Hilary were the Democratic candidate? Or would you abstain?

  4. Eustace, I'm not sure. I think I would vote for McCain if he's the Republican nominee. I'd rather vote for someone with genuine integrity, even if his positions are markedly different from mine.


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