Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The New Grown-Ups: “Lonesome Pine”

Our son Ben Leddy is a member of The New Grown-Ups, who just took first in a new-band showcase at the Thomas Point Beach Bluegrass Festival in Brunswick, Maine. That’s a sample above.

Related posts
“Cumberland Gap” : “My Heart’s Own Love” : “The Devil’s Nine Questions” : “William Blake’s Dead” : The New Grown-Ups at Bandcamp

The New Grown-Ups: “William Blake’s Dead”

Our son Ben Leddy is a member of The New Grown-Ups, who just took first in a new-band showcase at the Thomas Point Beach Bluegrass Festival in Brunswick, Maine. That’s a sample above.

Related posts
“Cumberland Gap” : “My Heart’s Own Love” : “The Devil’s Nine Questions” : The New Grown-Ups at Bandcamp

Nancy sight lines

In today’s Nancy, Olivia Jaimes plays with Bushmiller’s sight lines.

Related reading
All OCA Nancy posts (Pinboard)

[Bushmiller used a - - - - line , not a ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ line.]

Monday, September 16, 2024

Liverwurst’s long goodbye

Boar’s Head (yes, that Boar’s Head) has ended its production of liverwurst. Dan Barry mourns:

We all hold on to things that return us to where we came from, back to a place centered more in time than in geography. A certain doll, a certain television show, a certain snack — they are the lifesavers we cling to as the riptide of the years pulls us farther and farther from familiar shores.

For me, one of those items is, unfortunately, liverwurst.
When I read about the Boar’s Head listeria outbreak and “heavy meat buildup” on meat-plant walls, my first thought was Uh-oh, liverwurst. Still, I feel Dan Barry’s pain. But better nostalgia than listeria.

I haven’t eaten liverwurst in many, many months. But, yes, the “plump, homey, jolly[-]looking sausage” (that’s adspeak) has an OCA Pinboard tag.

Thanks, Ben.

The case of the slipaway sidebar

As you may notice, the OCA sidebar is gone, which means that I’ve likely messed something up in the HTML for a post. Paul Drake is on the case.


Fixed! A post to the Blogger Help Community has an easy way to spot the source of the problem: open the latest posts one by one until you find a post with the sidebar where it should be. And the post that came after that one (i.e., later in time) will be the culprit. In this case, it was a stray bit of HTML for an image — the annoying div stuff I am almost always careful to delete — that pushed the sidebar to the bottom of the page.

If you’re given to tweaking older posts — a word here, a spacing problem there — you’d best be careful, or you might be opening years of posts to find the problem. DIY: Drake doesn’t work cheap.

The New Grown-Ups: “The Devil’s Nine Questions”

As these videos drop, I’m not going to hesitate to copy and paste:

Our son Ben Leddy is a member of The New Grown-Ups, who just took first in a new-band showcase at the Thomas Point Beach Bluegrass Festival in Brunswick, Maine. That’s a sample above.

Related posts
“Cumberland Gap” : “My Heart’s Own Love” : The New Grown-Ups at Bandcamp

Recently updated

Just some diner? Now with an electric delivery-truck.

Zippy Hopper Now with more Hopper.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Zippy Hopper

[Zippy, September 15, 2024. Notice the E.H. in the corner.]

Today’s Zippy is a thing of beauty. The source: Edward Hopper’s Excursion into Philosophy.

Hopper’s work appears a number of times in Zippy. You can do a strip search to see them all.


September 16: More Hopper today. Maybe it’ll be Hopper Week.

Related reading
All OCA Zippy posts (Pinboard)

Twenty years of blogging

Orange Crate Art began on a Wednesday night, shortly after dinner, September 15, 2004. My children, Rachel and Ben, helped me get started. Rachel told me what to say for a first post.

Keeping this blog has brought me more possibilities of thinking and learning and sharing that I could have imagined. It’s made writing — work that always put my academic self in a state of high anxiety — a pleasure. More importantly, it’s kept me off the streets and out of trouble, at least for some chunk of time every day.

And now, onward.

Just some diner?

[553 Union Street, Gowanus, Brooklyn, c. 1939–1941. From the NYC Municipal Archives Collections. Click for a much larger view.]

No, not just some diner. It’s Frank’s Diner. Or (look closely) Frank’s Union Diner. As in, “Say, how’s about we grab a cup o’ java while they’re changin’ th’ erl?”

Many details to notice in the photograph. The most interesting one: the advertisement for a radio show with Joe Penner (1904–1941), a comedian in vaudeville, radio, and film. His work is well represented at YouTube. You just have to watch a bit to notice a resemblance to Pee-wee Herman. You don’t even have to read his Wikipedia entry.

Thanks, Brian, who pointed me to this photograph some time ago. Now I'm there, and the java is great. The Joe (Penner), not so much.

[Click for a larger view.]


September 16: As jjdaddyo suggested in a comment, that appears to be an electric truck. I’d say that that’s the most interesting detail in the photograph. Strange: both a bakery and an electric vehicle company were named Ward.

Related reading
More photographs from the NYC Municipal Archives (Pinboard) : 557, 561, and 571 Union Street