Wednesday, February 23, 2022

A missing niche

I was at a town meeting, where local retailers were being encouraged to 1. find a niche and 2. provide great customer service. I posed a couple of questions:

If almost anything can be found at Amazon, at a lower price than a local retailer can charge, how can that retailer find a niche? And if they can’t find a niche, how can they provide great customer service? To whom?

No one had an answer.

Related reading
All OCA dream posts (Pinboard)

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Miller vs. Davis

In Illinois’s redrawn 15th Congressional District, Mary (“Hitler was right on one thing”) Miller, endorsed by a defeated former president, is struggling in her primary race against fellow Republican incumbent Rodney Davis:

In the fourth quarter of 2021, Miller raised less than $165,000, bringing her election cycle haul through December 31 to $788,000. Davis, on the other hand, raised more than $1.8 million for his reelection campaign so far this cycle, including about $421,000 in the last three months of 2021.
Rodney Davis is no bargain, but he’s at least a better choice than Mary Miller — which, admittedly, is not saying much. Whatever happens in their primary, our household, in a redrawn 12th district (redder, whiter, and less educated), will almost certainly end up represented by the unappealing Mike Bost, who, like Miller and unlike Davis, voted against certifying the results of the 2020 presidential election. No, we’ll still be in IL-15.

Related reading
All OCA Mary Miller posts

“He’s a dictator”

From Finger Man (dir. Harold D. Schuster, 1955). T-man Burns (Hugh Sanders) speaks about a criminal boss:

“Look — you know the mobs, how they operate. One strong, ruthless man can tie a syndicate together. He pushes the buttons and pulls the strings, and all over the nation his vicious rackets are set in motion. He’s a dictator. We’re after one of those dictators. We want him bad.”

“Peacekeeping operations”

I was disheartened this morning to hear the announcer at a nearby NPR affiliate say that Vladimir Putin “has begun peacekeeping operations in Ukraine.” So I called the station and left a message, suggesting that the phrasing be changed to “what he calls peacekeeping operations.” An hour later the announcer said that Putin “has sent troops to Ukraine.” The change might be coincidental.

As many people have already pointed out, every journalist who refers to “peacekeeping operations in Ukraine,” without attributing that language to the Russian state, is doing Vladimir Putin’s work. Totalitarian euphemism should never get a pass.


Wow: two return calls, and an assurance that they’re going to be more careful about the phrasing.

Monday, February 21, 2022

Words from Eduardo Galeano

Pedro Almodóvar’s Parallel Mothers (2021) ends with words from the Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano on a black background, translated in the subtitles below:

No hay historia muda. Por mucho que la quemen, por mucho que la rompan, por mucho que la mientan, la historia humana se niega a callarse la boca.

No history is mute. No matter how much they burn it, break it, and lie about it, human history refuses to shut its mouth.
Elaine and I saw Parallel Mothers not long ago, and I finally tracked down the source of these sentences: Galeano’s Patas arriba: Escuela del mundo al revés (1998), translated by Mark Fried as Upside Down: A Primer for the Looking-Glass World (2000).

What’s really strange: an English version of the Parallel Mothers screenplay is available as a PDF from Sony Classics. The English translation of Galeano’s sentences therein follows Fried. (I’ve added a comma before and, missing from the PDF, to match Fried.)

If you have the opportunity to see Parallel Mothers safely, go. It’s a strange, heartbreaking movie, mixing melodrama and history. It’s the best Almodóvar movie yet, I’d say. Elaine and I went to a weekday matinee with friends who assured us that we would be the only people in the theater. And we were.

In search of Tylenol

I was walking with my mom in upper Manhattan. We had to get back to the Port Authority, and then to New Jersey, but first we had to do some shopping. So we split up.

I found my mom in a drugstore. She had a headache and wanted to buy Tylenol. I started looking.

The drugstore was a maze of small rooms, some with short aisles of consumer goods, others with wall shelves holding what appeared to be prescription drugs. Still other rooms had hospital beds, with patients in them. I couldn’t understand why I was allowed to walk through these rooms.

I found someone to ask about Tylenol. She was young, smartly dressed, carrying a clipboard, looking like someone from cable news. I followed her as she walked through several rooms. “I found a bed where my mom can rest,” I said. “But I need to buy some Tylenol.”

She walked to another room, sat down on a sofa, and looked at her clipboard. “I thought you were showing me where the Tylenol is!” I said. She looked at me angrily. A timer in my pocket beeped.

Related reading
All OCA dream posts (Pinboard)

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Whither the gatekeepers?

No wonder I couldn’t figure out last week’s Weekend Edition Sunday puzzle: the solution, revealed this morning, required that you hear the names Aaron and Erin as soundalikes. For some people they are, just as marry, Mary, and merry are soundalikes. But not for everyone.

Will Shortz apologized this morning (with a slight laugh) to anyone for whom the names are not soundalikes. Does he test the Sunday puzzles on human subjects before using? Does anyone approve the puzzles for use? O whither respect for regional differences in pronunciation? O whither the gatekeepers?

A further complication that Elaine would like me to point out: solving the puzzle also required that you accept Aaron in reverse as yielding Nora. Uh, no.

And, I’ll add, solving the puzzle also required you to think — as Shortz does — that Aaron and Nora share a short e as a vowel sound. (That’s what he said.) Again, no — Nora ends in a schwa: ə.

[Can names be considered homophones? I have dodged that question while writing this post. I‘ve e-mailed NPR about this puzzle and am wondering if I’ll hear back.]

Outtakes (3)

[Outtakes from the WPA’s New York City tax photographs, c. 1939–1941, available from 1940s NYC. Click any image for a larger view.]

More outtakes to come.

Related posts
Outtakes (1) : Outtakes (2) : More photographs from the NYC Municipal Archives

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Today’s Saturday Stumper

Today’s Newsday  Saturday Stumper is by Stella Zawistowski, a constructor known for difficult puzzles. (Her website: Tough As Nails.) This puzzle was easier fun, with a number of surprising answers. I missed by one letter, for what I think is a good reason. An explanation will follow in the comments.

Some clue-and-answer pairs of note:

1-D, four letters, “Like in a trattoria.” I like.

12-A, ten letters, “‘Fruity’ earth tone.” One of my favorite colors.

18-A, fifteen letters, “Cold-weather wear from the Shetlands.” Cozy and unusual.

28-D, five letters, “Ones’ places.” My first thought was of columns in arithmetic.

30-D, five letters, “Pseudonym that its owner pronounced to rhyme with ‘choice.’” No idea — I got it from crosses.

31-A, eleven letters, “Modern words of anticipation.” Well, contemporary words, though I’m not sure they’re words of anticipation. Maybe the kids today can verify.

32-D, six letters, “Go at it casually.” Clever.

47-A, fifteen letters, “Source of the Suwannee.” So this fifteen-letter source is real.

55-D, three letters, “Literally, ‘stir-fried mixture.’” Yes, please.

58-A, four letters, “One attending a ball.” My favorite clue in this puzzle.

The cross that messed me up: 1-A, three letters, “Letters seen on medicine cabinet tubes” and 2-D, four letters, “East Timor's capital.” I don’t think Zawistowski assumes that capital to be common knowlege. It’s supposed to be gettable from 1-A. My problem was with the medicine cabinet. No, not medicine cabinet tubes.

No spoilers; answers and further explanation of 1-A may be found in the comments.

Friday, February 18, 2022


Melania Trump’s NFTs (non-fungible tokens) of photographs from a defeated former president’s mad reign seem to be not exactly NFTs. The lady with the hat is selling 10,000 NFTs of photographs at $50 a pop. But wait: those 10,000 photographs aren’t 10,000 unique photographs (taken by taxpayer-paid White House photographers?). They’re copies of ten photographs, 250 to 1500 copies of each.

Forbes says that NFTs are “generally one of a kind, or at least one of a very limited run.” I think I know enough to know that 1000 copies is a rather large number for an NFT. The number of suckers in the world is larger still.

And multiple purchases are possible for anyone who wants to own the set of ten. A thought: would it be beyond this grifting helpmeet’s helpers to purchase all 250 copies of the “rarest” of these faux-NFTs to resell (greyly, greyly) at higher prices? 250 × $50 = $12,500. A mere bag of shells. Think of the possible return on investment.

She’s already bought back her hat.

[Pfft : “used to signify sarcasm or disagreement.”]