Thursday, September 13, 2018

This is your arm on drugs

[Alan Garner, It’s O.K. to Say No to Drugs!, ill. Rick Detorie (New York: TOR Books, 1987.]

That arm! This image is a standing joke in our fambly. I recently rediscovered its source.

Rick Detorie went on to better things: in 1988, he created the comic strip One Big Happy — as in “one big happy family,” not “one big happy arm.”

Ads ’n’ rockets

In the post-millennial Subsidized Time of David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest, years are named for corporate sponsors: Year of the Whopper, Year of the Tucks Medicated Pad, Year of Glad, &c. Somewhere Wallace is shaking his head: both yes and no.

Related reading
All OCA DFW posts (Pinboard)

Wednesday, September 12, 2018


Our favorite granddaughter is eleven months old today. She enjoys pulling tissues from the box (magic!) and polishing things with wipes (floors, toys). She digs music and wants to see that everyone else digs it too. She likes French toast. And she’s one-handed walking. She is on her way to toddlerdom. Yay, Talia!

[Sorry, no photo. We all began to feel skittish about posting photos for all the Internets to see.]

Pluto in the news

Pluto is back: “Pluto is most definitely a planet — and should never have been downgraded, say some scientists” (CNN). Or as Clare and the Reasons sang, “Chin up, Pluto.”

Related reading
All OCA Pluto posts (Pinboard)

[When it comes to Pluto, I am a total third-grader.]

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Theatre of dreams

W.G. Sebald, The Rings of Saturn, trans. Michael Hulse (New York: New Directions, 1998).

Related reading
All OCA Sebald posts (Pinboard)

“The Real Lesson of September 11”

Seventeen years ago, staring at that picture of Mohammad Atta, I wanted revenge against the people who killed my brother. But what I finally realized was that the people who killed my brother died the same day he did.
Joe Quinn, a United States Army veteran, writes about “The Real Lesson of September 11” (The New York Times).

Monday, September 10, 2018


The Washington Post explains The Caine Mutiny’s influence on the drafting of the Twenty-fifth Amendment. Who knew?

Mingus Mingus Mingus Mingus Mingus

Coming in November: Jazz In Detroit / Strat Concert Gallery / 46 Selden, a 5-CD/5-LP set of Charles Mingus performances, recorded in 1973. The announcement may have come too late for the recent New York Times article on unreleased jazz recordings.

And speaking of unreleased recordings, the seven-minute Lionel Hampton-led “Dinah” alone justifies buying The Savory Collection.

[Mingus Mingus Mingus Mingus Mingus is the title of a 1963 LP.]

Bill Daily (1927–2018)

Astronaut, pilot, neighbor: the actor Bill Daily has died at the age of ninety-one. The New York Times has an obituary.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Recently updated

The Avital Ronell story Now there’s an account from the former chair of the NYU German department.