Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Domestic comedy

“The brain cells are having a big party outside our heads. They’re handing out candy canes and iceskating.”

Related reading
All OCA domestic comedy posts (Pinboard)

[Too much Hallmark.]

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Recently updated

Roswell Rudd (1935–2017) Now with a link to a New York Times obituary.

Erle Dre

[It’s 10°F and feels like 9°. I’m just trying to entertain myself. This brief narrative has two inspirations. One: a friend who’s been reading Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler. The other: crosswordese.]

A 2018 calendar

I’ve been making and sharing yearly calendars since 2010. Here, via Dropbox, is one for 2018. It’s made with Gill Sans and has minimal holiday markings (Saint Patrick’s Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas). Highly readable, even across a room. For me, making a calendar has been a fun attempt at rudimentary design — and a good way not to accumulate calendars that I can’t bear to throw out because of their great photographs.

Download, anyone?

Monday, December 25, 2017

“Buddy, the wind is blowing”

Truman Capote, “A Christmas Memory” (1956).

Buddy is seven. His friend is a distant cousin, “sixty-something,” a member of his household.

“It really does”: a touch of Holden Caulfield?

Related posts
Truman Capote meets Willa Cather : What’s for dinner

[Satsumas: mandarin oranges or tangerines.]

Christmas 1917

On December 21, 1917, a Brooklyn delicatessen owner noticed Anna Decker, age eight, looking at the foods displayed in his window. Late December, and Anna wore only a calico pinafore. The owner invited her inside, where she said that she was hungry and asked for something to eat. The owner gave her a bowl of clam chowder. A customer notified the Brooklyn Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. A “special agent” arrived, and Anna explained that she was trying to find Santa Claus. She was wrapped in a fur coat and taken to a shelter, where she was found to be suffering from malnutrition, anemia, abrasions, and frostbitten toes, with old scars all over her body. Anna could walk only on her heels. She said that her parents beat her daily, deprived her of food, and made her sleep on the floor. “I guess they don’t like me,” she said. And: “Gee, but I would like to see Santa Claus just once.”

[“Starving, She Finds a Real Santa Claus. Policeman’s 8-Year-Old Daughter Looked for the Christmas Saint with Frost-Bitten Toes. Tells of Father’s Cruelty. Decker and Stepmother Arrested While Anna Plays with Gifts from New-Found Friends.” The New York Times, December 25, 1917.]

This post is much darker than the typical OCA one-hundred-years-ago holiday post. I chose this Times story as an example of people doing the best they can in terrible circumstances.

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it.

[Anna’s parents were arraigned in January 1918. No further record in the Times of what became of them or their child.]

Sunday, December 24, 2017

In the studio

[Ink and charcoal, n.d.]

Art by my dad, James Leddy. I love it that Santa (like Frank Sinatra?) is bald.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

A Covered Swivel Rotary File

A Cooper Hewitt Object of the Day: a Covered Swivel Rotary File, better known as a Rolodex, circa 1960, in olive and woodgrain. See also the museum’s 1958 Rolodex.

You can sign up for Object of the Day e-mails here.

Recently updated

Roswell Rudd (1935–2017) Now with a link to Francis Davis’s 1993 profile.

From the Saturday Stumper

A clue from the Newsday Saturday Stumper, 20-Across, five letters: “Central Brussels.” No spoilers; the answer is in the comments.

Today’s puzzle is by Matthew Sewell. Finishing a Saturday Stumper is always cause for minor self-congratulation.