I’m a sucker for a good free calendar.
Compact Calendar 2011 David Seah’s calendar-in-the-form-of-a-spreadsheet fits a year to a page.
PDFCalendar This customizable calendar is great for the student or teacher who wants to map out a semester on one page.
TM Micro-Mini Calendar I’ve never had occasion to use Claude Pavur’s ultra-minimal calendar, but my inner child finds the idea of it irresistible. The Micro-Mini is no doubt the choice of ten-year-old secret agents everywhere.
UNIX calendar command The UNIX command cal is handy for making a three- or four-month calendar to tape into a notebook. Thanks to Hawk Sugano for sharing his knowledge.
One more: I’ve made a plain and dowdy 2012 calendar, three months per 8½ x 11 page. That’s a sample to the left. The font is Gill Sans Bold; the colors are Licorice and Cayenne (otherwise known as black and dark red). If you’d like a PDF, send me an e-mail. (If you’re reading in a reader, click on through: the address is in the sidebar.)
And still one more:
Elaine in Arkansas suggests Patrick Merrell’s
2012 calendar, directions included: “1. Cut out. 2. Use.” Thanks, Elaine.