Friday, April 2, 2010

Watching the Cross Bronx Expressway

Harriet Moore lives next to the Cross Bronx Expressway:

For Mrs. Moore, the highway offers unexpected Proustian moments. As a White Rose truck drove past, she remembered seeing grocery store shelves filled with White Rose products when she was a girl. “We don’t shop anywhere where they carry White Rose anymore,” she said, a note of wistfulness in her voice.
Read more:

On Bronx Stoops, a Highway Traffic Entertains (New York Times)

You can watch the Cross Bronx Expressway (probably without Proustian moments) via a New York City Department of Transportation traffic camera.

Orange soda art

[Life, June 8, 1953.]

Nesbitt’s Crate Art?

Related reading
Nesbitt’s Orange Memorabilia Page

Other posts with orange
Crate art, orange
Orange art, no crate
Orange crate art
Orange crate art (Brown)
Orange flag art
Orange notebook art
Orange timer art
Orange toothbrush art

Thursday, April 1, 2010

“iPads for EVERYONE!”

Not a joke, but it sorta kinda feels like one: in Fall 2010, Seton Hill University (Greensburg, Pennsylvania) will give an iPad to every full-time student. Doing so will require roughly 2,100 iPads.

iPads for EVERYONE! (Seton Hill University)

Update, April 21, 2010: This plan might not be working out so well.

Related posts
The iPad and college students
An iPad per semester
More on the iPad and college
Steve Wozniak on the iPad and college

Gmail outage

At 6:01 am Pacific Time, during routine maintenance at one of our datacenters, the frontend web servers in that particular datacenter started failing to render the letter “a” for a subset of users.

Today’s vowel outage (The Official Gmail Blog)
I can’t imagine that this problem will last more than a day.

Google changes its name

“We didn’t reach this decision lightly.” Eric Schmidt explains:

A different kind of company name (The Official Google Blog)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Collecting P.S. 202

Martin Raskin collects P.S. 202, East New York, Brooklyn. His collection is the subject of a New York Times article and slideshow.

Herb Ellis (1921–2010)

A fine guitarist has died. I will be listening to the Oscar Peterson Trio in my off hours today.

The New York Times obituary links to a great performance by Peterson, Ellis, and Ray Brown, “A Gal in Calico.”

Legends of Jazz Photography

Legends of Jazz Photography: William Claxton, William Gottlieb, and Herman Leonard, an exhibition at the Fahey/Klein Gallery in Los Angeles. Dig Herman Leonard’s Lester Young still life.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Welcome, 500,000th visitor

StatCounter just recorded the 500,000th visitor to Orange Crate Art. Welcome, 500,000th visitor!

For big boys and girls, half a million visitors are all in a day’s work, or two. Not so here. Half a million visitors are a big deal.

I’m pretty certain that Visitor No. 500,000 is a friend who lives in ______, Illinois. She browses with Firefox in Windows XP. Sara, is that you? Your prizes are on their way.

Visitor No. 499,999 wondered about the truth of this statement: students can greet a professor by saying what’s up.

Uh, no. Sara would tell you that too.

I’m grateful to Visitor No. 499,999 (who may have received some serious edification by reading How to e-mail a professor). And I’m grateful to anyone who reads here. And if, reader, you’re reading the feed, in Google Reader or elsewhere, I’m grateful to you too. Stop by sometime and say hello. (Hello!)

Obama revisions

I spent some time last night looking closely at the White House photograph of a draft page of President Barack Obama’s September 9, 2009 remarks to a joint session of Congress. The subject was health care.

From the first paragraph, original, re: Ted Kennedy:

But those who knew him and worked with him here — people of both parties — know the truth. It was the experience of having two children stricken with cancer; the sheer terror and helplessness that any parent feels when a child is sick; and his ability to imagine what it must be like for those without insurance . . . .
From the first paragraph, revised:
But those of us who knew Teddy and worked with him here — people of both parties — know the truth was more complicated than that. It was the experience of having two children stricken with cancer. He never forgot the sheer terror and helplessness that any parent feels when a child is sick; and he was able to imagine what it must be like for those without insurance . . . .
The first sentence now includes its speaker — “of us” — and is made more intimate — “Teddy.” The thinking becomes more complex: the truth is not a simple or single thing. The sentences that follow make their subject tireless and empathetic: “he never forgot”; “he was able to imagine.” Behold the power of verbs.

From the second paragraph, original:
That large-heartedness — that compassion — is not a partisan feeling.
From the second paragraph, revised:
That large-heartedness — that concern and regard for the plight of others — is not a partisan feeling.
I’m tempted to prefer the concision of “compassion,” but it makes sense that something large should follow “large-heartedness.” And what sounds greater to your ears? Compassion, or concern and regard for the plight of others? The revision also creates an attractive series of anapests (xx/): that conCERN, and reGARD, for the PLIGHT.

If you look at the photograph, you might be surprised by what happens as this paragraph continues: the sentences about Stanley Ann Dunham’s cancer and Sasha Obama’s meningitis are crossed out, as are lengthy handwritten additions to those sentences. Removing those brief accounts makes for a stronger tie between the statement about non-partisan feeling and the sentences that now follow.

Third paragraph, original:
For that too is part of the character of this country — our ability to stand in other people’s shoes; a recognition that we are all in this together; that when fortune turns against one of us, others are there to lend a helping hand and that hard work and responsibility to family and community and country should be rewarded by some measure of security and fair play that sometimes only a government can ensure.
Third paragraph, revised:
For that too is part of the American character. Our ability to stand in other people’s shoes. A recognition that we are all in this together; that when fortune turns against one of us, others are there to lend a helping hand. A belief that in this country hard work and responsibility should be rewarded by some measure of security and fair play — and an acknowledgment that sometimes government has to step in to help deliver on that promise.
In the first sentence, the point that large-heartedness is neither Democratic nor Republican is sharper — large-heartedness is now American. And the sentence now ends with its most important noun, “character.” It’s probably only coincidence that the sentence now recalls the title of D.W. Brogan’s The American Character (1944).

The remainder of this paragraph, pre-revision, already sounds like Obama in its parallelism. But it’s a mighty long sentence to trek through. The revision breaks the sentence into more graspable (and thus more moving) elements. The parallelism becomes rousing, built not merely from “that” but from a series of nouns: “a recognition that,” “a belief that,” “an acknowledgement that.” Notice “in this country”: this is the way we do things. Notice too the urgency added to the final sentence, twice revised: an acknowledgment not that government “can help deliver on that promise” but that “sometimes government has to step in” to do so.

This draft page shows what anyone who writes and works at it comes to figure out, again and again: that everything is subject to revision, and that some things must be cut for the sake of the whole. I can imagine the President realizing at some point that the account of his family’s medical woes would not serve his purpose — that “it,” as they say, was not about him.

The speech as delivered differs of course from this revised draft:

Remarks by the President to a Joint Session of Congress
on Health Care

[Update, March 30, 2010: I missed the added “in this country,” third paragraph, and have revised accordingly.]