Friday, January 8, 2010

ELbo 875

[From Dream House, dir. Del Lord, 1932.]

James Fawcett (Bing Crosby) seems not to care what anyone thinks about how he looks. He’s a singing plumber (yes, Fawcett) in Waterville in this musical short, available on Hollywood Rhythm: The Best of Big Bands and Swing, Volume Two (Kino Video). Thanks, library.

More telephone exchange names on screen
The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse
Baby Face
Born Yesterday
The Man Who Cheated Himself
Nightmare Alley
The Public Enemy

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Outside a natural foods store, a college student to her father: “Would I look like such a hippie if I ride my bike to the store?”

[No, you wouldn’t. The reason you’re asking this question, even in fun, is that like most young adults, you’re very much aware of how you might look — or how you imagine you might look — to other people. If you were to ride your bike to the store, you’d be getting a bit of exercise while saving non-renewable resources and money. If people were to notice you, I doubt they’d think “There goes that hippie.” More likely: “I should really ride my bike more often.” Or “Next time, I’m taking my bike.” Or “She’s got the right idea.” Or “It’s finally warming up; we should start biking.” So ride your bike, and take some pleasure in the possibility that your example might inspire others, if they’re even noticing.]

Related reading
All “Overheard” posts

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Sweetzels Spiced Wafers

Sweetzels Spiced Wafers are tough cookies — crunchy, substantial, nothing wafer-like about them. The secrets of their flavor: unsulphured molasses and what the ingredients list calls “spices” — allspice, clnnamon, clove, and ginger. Spiced Wafers are like emotionally complicated ginger snaps — darker, moodier, more intense.

Spiced Wafers are a seasonal item, sold in fall and winter. Once a Philadelphia specialty, they can now be had elsewhere. Elaine and I found them at a Big Lots in “east-central Illinois,” $2.00 for an 18 oz. box. We bought one box on Saturday and several more yesterday. How many are “several”? Let’s just say that we now have close to 2000% of the day’s iron stashed beside our wine rack.

Related reading
Serendipitous searching at Big Lots
Sweetzels (Company website)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Children, “best readers in the world”

Novelist Katherine Paterson has been appointed national ambassador for young people’s literature:

“When people say, ‘Don’t you want to write for adults?’ I think, why would I want to write a book that would be remaindered in six weeks? My books have gone on and on, and my readers, if they love the book, they will read it and reread it. I have the best readers in the world.”

New Envoy’s Old Advice for Children: Read More (New York Times)

Domestic comedy

Some people just don’t like Sideways (dir. Alexander Payne, 2004):

“Wait ’til you’re older. Then you might like it.”

“I am older.”

“Even older. Older still!”
On an international note: Sideways has been remade as a Japanese film (dir. Cellin Gluck, 2009). Sideways, according to the trailer. Saidoweizu, according to IMDB.

How old do you have to be to like Sideways? At least forty, I’d say.

Related reading and viewing
All “domestic comedy” posts
2009 Sideways trailer (YouTube)

Solari e Tufte

I had an e-mail message from Edward Tufte yesterday. He read my post on New Haven’s soon-to-be-gone Solari board, and it prompted him to propose repurposing that board as art. He’s been thinking about such a project for a while. Read more:

New Haven Solari train board: what should be done? (Ask E.T.)

The Internet is amazing. Stay tuned for further developments.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Domestic comedy

“They have the same faux naturel color.”

[“They”: “Vintage Package Edition” Grape-Nuts box, Wheat Thins Flatbread box.]

Related posts
All “domestic comedy” posts
Cereals in the hands of an angry blog
Everything I always wanted to ask about Grape-Nuts

Welcome to Macintosh

Tonight, at 9:30 Eastern Time, CNBC airs the documentary Welcome to Macintosh (dir. Robert Baca and Josh Rizzo, 2008).

Welcome to Macintosh trailer (YouTube)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Solari board

A bright new LED display will soon replace the schedule board at New Haven’s Union Train Station. The board to be replaced clicks clicks clicks as its letters and numbers flip. Did you know that this kind of board has a name, or several? It’s called a flip board, split-flap display, or Solari board, after its Italian maker, Solari di Udine.

NPR reports that New Haven’s LED display will have a simulated click click click.

Related listening, looking, reading
Solari board photographs (Flickr)
Solari board videos (YouTube)
Train Station Board’s Demise Is Sign of the Times (NPR)
Tune Changed on Solari (New Haven Independent)

Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 calendars

Not 2009, not 2011. For right now:

Compact Calendar 2010 (David Seah)
Micro-Mini Calendar 2010 (Claude Pavur) (Found via Prairie Bluestem)
Thumb calendar (Adam Sporka)
UNIX calendar command (hawkexpress)

If you teach, PDFCalendar is great for planning a semester on one page. The UNIX command is handy for making a three- or four-month calendar to keep in a pocket notebook.

I’ve made a few Field Notes-inspired wall calendars for 2010 ($14.95 x 3 or 4 began to look a bit unjustifiable). Here’s January:

It’s much easier to make than you might think: just two tables in a word-processing document. I used Apple’s Pages and Gill Sans Bold.