Saturday, October 21, 2023

Today’s Saturday Stumper

Whenever I see Stella Zawistowski’s name on a Newsday Saturday Stumper, I wonder what I’m in for. SZ makes a mean puzzle. This Stumper though was relatively easy — a nineteen-minute-er for me. I started with two gimmes that crossed: 33-D, three letters, “Where Washington U. is” and 41-A, five letters, “Key with six black keys.” And then a whole chunk of the puzzle began falling into place.

Some clue-and-answer pairs of note:

6-D, five letters, “Units of volume.” Strained, but I appreciate the pun.

7-D, four letters, “Block buster.” See 6-D.

15-A, five letters, “Places for addresses.” I don’t like this plural, but I’m glad I know it.

17-A, ten letters, “Routines without resolution.” Really? I think of the answer as a label for what one doesn’t like.

20-A, ten letters, “The Buick stops here.” At Harry Truman’s house?

32-A, nine letters, “Banes of hosts.” I haven’t thought of the answer since the days of “theory.”

34-D, seven letters, “Pedestrian observer.” I thought of someone uttering banalities.

35-D, seven letters, “Name from the Greek for ‘foreign.’” Yes, it’s so.

36-D, seven letters, “One delivering mail.” By the time I got to this clue, I could see right through it.

46-D, give letters, “Argentine avenue.” I just like the word.

48-A, nine letters, “Liquid refreshment.” Yes, please.

52-D, three letters, “Saw around.” See 36-D.

My favorite in this puzzle: 45-A, three letters, “Nursing degree.” So clever.

No spoilers; the answers are in the comments.

comments: 1

Michael Leddy said...

STL. GFLAT. TOMES. IDEA. PODIA. (I also dislike the plural fora.)

ANTICOMEDY. (I’m thinking of the dismissive “anti-poetry,” applied to whatever one doesn’t like.)

RESTAREA. PARASITES. (Here’s what I mean.)

BEATCOP. BARBARA. (From the Greek barbaros.)