Tuesday, September 10, 2019

A toast tip

The manual for our new toaster advises: “For your safety and continued enjoyment of this product, always read the instruction book carefully before using.” One tip from its pages: “Before toasting bagels, slice each bagel into two equal halves.”

Not three halves. So that’s how you get the bagel to fit.

Also from this manual
“Multiple shade options”

comments: 2

J D Lowe said...

With all this talk of toast and toasters, I'm reminded of one of my favourite songs. Here's the Streetband back in '78 or '79 or so with their legendary song, Toast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJmKStqugMc

Michael Leddy said...

The upper crust! Thanks for sharing this song, which is new to me.