Monday, September 6, 2021

Labor Day

[Thomas Wimberly, Global Forefront — Thank You (2020). Via Amplifier. Click for a larger view.]

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Starring Robert Mitchum

We were visiting Robert Mitchum in Los Angeles, courtesy of a friend in the industry. We met Mitchum in his apartment. It was an older Robert Mitchum that we met. He was sitting in a light-brown recliner. He was taciturn but not unfriendly.

He had no plans, nothing he had to do, so we took him out to lunch, perhaps to the now-defunct Clifton’s Cafeteria. We were seated with some other people at a long table. I was on the other side of the table from Mitchum, and at the greatest possible distance. It was impossible to ask him what Jane Greer was like when she was off camera.

Then he agreed to come back to our house, because he still had no plans, nothing he had to do. Did he want something to eat, to tide him over between lunch and dinner? Takeout Thai food?

I was about to ask him about Jane Greer when I woke up.

Related reading
All OCA dream posts (Pinboard)

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Today’s Saturday Stumper

Today’s Newsday Saturday Stumper, by “Anna Stiga” (“Stan Again,” Stan Newman, the puzzle’s editor), is the fifth Stumper in a row, which makes me hope that the Stumper is back for keeps. “Anna Stiga” is a pseudonym that goes on easier Stumpers of the Newman’s creation, but I found this puzzle challenging — twenty-two minutes’ worth of challenging — with the top half relatively easy, the bottom half much tougher. The puzzle’s distinctive feature: top and bottom stacks of thirteen-, fourteen-, and fifteen-letter answers.

Some clue-and-answer pairs I especially liked:

1-A, thirteen letters, “Mutable sci-fi skill.” The answer is a gerund. The answer makes 38-D, eight letters, “Prone to pallor, 1 Across, etc,” a bit tricky, for a reason I can reveal only in the comments.

1-D, six letters, “Really bad.” I’m a kid in Brooklyn again. This answer opened up much of the puzzle for me.

10-D, five letters, “Rapper named for his Florida capital home and his early hardships.” I wonder if he’s appeared in a puzzle before. (Yes, he has.)

16-A, fifteen letters, “Lingual clue for Sly’s surname.” My first thought was “Sly”? As in “Stone”? Surprising to see this answer in a puzzle.

40-A, eight letters, “Faux glow.” Faux indeed.

59-A, fifteen letters, “Family-friendly, furry friend.” I sometimes aspire to share their outlook on things.

64-A, thirteen letters, “Titular adventure of a ’68 film.” Notice: titular. This one threw me a bit.

My favorite clue in this puzzle, and what must be one of the great clues of all time: 23-D, seven letters, “Pink elephants, perhaps.”

No spoilers; the answers are in the comments.

[Twenty-two minutes: As in “You give us twenty-two minutes, we’ll give you the world,” the WINS-AM all-news mantra.]

Friday, September 3, 2021

Mess with Texas

From The Guardian:

Pro-choice users on TikTok and Reddit have launched a guerrilla effort to thwart Texas’s extreme new abortion law, flooding an online tip website that encourages people to report violators of the law with false reports, Shrek memes, and porn.
Last night the form for anonymous tips was down. This morning it’s back up.

There’s even an iOS shortcut (noted in the Guardian article) to mess with Texas by sending false tips en masse.

Local lunacy

A localite persists in adding COVID disinformation to the posts from our county health department. The department eventually removes her comments. But there they are, until they’re removed.

Her latest: coughing up mucus and taking cough medicine are defenses against COVID. You can cough in your backyard or in the shower, she explains. And she closes with what she must think is a witty turn: “Some of us refuse to live in fear. Pass me the Robitussin DM, please.”

If it doesn’t go without saying: she won’t get vaccinated.

A king on the bus

I was on a long-distance bus trip from ____ to ____. The bus was packed. I stood up to stretch in the aisle and saw the Imperial Margarine king several rows back. He too was standing up to stretch. The king was wearing a red-velvet crown and a dark T-shirt and slacks. He had two tiny scabs on the side of his nose, near his left eye. He looked like Norman Fell.

“You look just like the Imperial Margarine king,” I said. “Are you him?”

“Yes, I am.”

I asked him if I could take a picture. He nodded yes. But when I tried to use the camera on my phone, all I could see were maps of Bristol, England, and streaming video of soccer hooligans. No camera.

The bus stopped for a short break. The king walked across the street and through an open garage door into an enormous produce store. I waited beside the bus and tried restarting my phone. No improvement. I noticed my daughter standing nearby and asked if she had any idea what was wrong. No, she didn’t. I waited for the king’s return.

Related reading
All OCA dream posts (Pinboard)

[Possible sources: thinking yesterday about Nabokov’s Pale Fire and its king or pseudo-king, and later making a U-turn in front of a huge garage door for a heating and air-conditioning company. I haven’t seen anything to suggest that Norman Fell appeared in an Imperial commercial. But here’s one with Charles Kimbrough.]

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Rewrite that sentence, PBS

From the PBS NewsHour:

Designer Ed Welburn’s passion developed early, as a small child.
The problem is the dangling modifier “as a small child.” I think of the passion sitting quietly in a corner, reading or drawing. Better:
Ed Welburn has been passionate about design since early childhood.
But I’m not crazy about passion or passionate. My preference:
Ed Welburn has been interested in design since early childhood.
Or more simply:
Ed Welburn became interested in design in early childhood.
From at least the age of eight.

Related reading
All OCA “How to improve writing” posts (Pinboard)

[This post is no. 94 in a series dedicated to improving stray bits of public prose.]

Word of the day: tittuppy

Mr. Thorpe, do you really think that Mr. Morland’s gig will break down? From Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey (1818):

"Break down! Oh! Lord! Did you ever see such a little tittuppy thing in your life? There is not a sound piece of iron about it.”
And he goes on and on about the danger it presents. “Good heavens!” cries James Morland’s sister Catherine. And I am already imagining a Clueless-style adaptation, with James Morland driving a “ricketty” old compact, and John Thorpe, a shiny new SUV. “Ricketty” is another of Thorpe’s disses.

But the word of the day is the adjective tittuppy, also spelled tituppy and tittupy. The meaning is easy to guess: “characterized by bouncing movement; unsteady, shaky, rickety.”

The word’s origin is likely impossible to guess. Tittuppy comes from the noun or verb tittup. The noun first meant “a canter,” then “a cantering horse,” then “a woman or girl, spec. one who is bold or impudent.” The earliest meaning is now rare; the others, obsolete. As for the verb:
To walk or move with an up-and-down or jerky movement; to move in an exaggerated or affected manner. Also (of a horse, etc.) to move with short up-and-down strides in a prancing fashion; (of a rider) to guide a horse in this way. Usually with adverbial of direction.”
The verb is still in use. The Oxford English Dictionary has a 2003 citation: “A bizarre figure — is it a man or a woman? — tittups towards them.” Tittup also had life as an adverb — “with a tittup; at a canter” — also obsolete.

The dictionary’s first citation for tittuppy? Northanger Abbey! And the adjective is still in use; the most recent citation is from 1995.

Northanger Abbey is a wonderful novel. I’d describe it thusly: Catherine Morland, a reader of Gothic novels, finds herself a character in a Jane Austen novel. She must adapt.

Related reading
All OCA Jane Austen posts (Pinboard)

[All citations from the Oxford English Dictionary.]

Hi and Lois watch

Lois to Trixie: “You want to see the menu?” “Ya!” [Hi and Lois, September 2, 2021.]

Wrong-way swodniw are a fact of life in Hi and Lois. Though that’s not necessarily a wrong-way window. Lois and Trixie could be dining al fresco in today’s Hi and Lois. But it sure don’t look it.

More troubling than the window: the menu has a picture of a juice box. Jeez.

Related reading
All OCA Hi and Lois posts (Pinboard)

[Yes, swodniw is a plural.]

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Misspelling in the news

An Illinois woman has been arrested for entering Hawaii with a fake COVID-19 vaccination card. It showed her as having received the Maderna vaccine.

Related reading
All OCA misspelling posts (Pinboard)