Monday, April 9, 2018

New Nancy

[Zippy, April 9, 2018.]

A panel from Olivia Jaimes’s first Nancy strip. Nancy is a sweet girl. Also a salt girl. And butter: that is a stick of butter in her hand, yes? It’s all a welcome change from the work of Nancy‘s most recent caregiver.

Related reading
All OCA Nancy posts (Pinboard)

Sunday, April 8, 2018

A new Nancy

From The Washington Post, exciting news in comics:

For more than eight decades, Nancy, the bushy-haired, red-bowed comic character, has been rendered by a man. This week, Nancy’s syndicate will change that.

On Monday, Andrews McMeel Syndication will announce that the cartoonist Olivia Jaimes has inherited the iconic strip and will provide a “21st-century female perspective,” says John Glynn, Andrews McMeel’s president and editorial director.

The first strip by Jaimes — the female cartoonist’s “nom de toon” — runs Monday.

“Nancy has been my favorite sassy grouch for a long time,” Jaimes says in a syndicate statement. “I’m excited to be sassy and grouchy through her voice instead of just mine, and I can complain to the whole world about things that bother me instead of just my friends and family.”
I’ve never been a fan of Guy Gilchrist’s Nancy — too much color, too much cuteness, too much religiosity, too many positive messages. I’m hoping for much better things from Olivia James. You can read new Nancy and Ernie Bushmiller’s Nancy at GoComics.

Nancy is having a moment.

Related reading
All OCA Nancy posts (Pinboard)

Not exactly a profile in courage

Our representative in Congress, John Shimkus (R, Illinois-15), commenting on the possibility of Chinese tariffs on soybeans and other crops: “I’m just a legislator.”

And: “I think what I can do is publicly talk about, which I do, that there is a dilemma here that we’re facing.”

And: “I don’t think anyone wins a trade war. Maybe Trump thinks he can. But we have to try to get him to be more targeted on these things.”

Shimkus is in a sticky situation: his gerrymandered district (whose shape suggests a dancing dinosaur or feeble rooster) is the reddest congressional district in Illinois. (In the 2016 presidential election: 71% R, 24% D.) That stunning disavowal of agency — “I’m just a legislator” (not a member of a co-equal branch of government?) — makes it clear that Shimkus is unwilling to cross the boss. I wonder though how many voters in the 15th District have begun to regret their choice for president.

Related reading
All OCA John Shimkus posts

Saturday, April 7, 2018

From the Saturday Stumper

A cleverer than clever clue from the Newsday Saturday Stumper, by Frank Longo, 53-Down, four letters: “Compliment that some complain about.” The answer: KUDO. I thought, Wait, that can’t be right. And then I read the clue again.

We get kudos from the Greek κῦδος, a singular noun meaning “glory, renown.” As Garner’s Modern English Usage explains, kudos “is sometimes erroneously thought to be a plural.” Thus kudo, a false singular, and a compliment that some people complain about.

I think the Saturday Stumper is getting easier. I’m not sure that makes me happy. No kudos for finishing. But I’m not complaining.

A related post
Word of the day: kudos

Friday, April 6, 2018

Beginning with say

“Say, did you ever see a bellhop that didn’t want to be a fighter?” Spoken in Kid Galahad (dir. Michael Curtiz, 1937), back when people prefaced all kinds of utterances with say.

Say, why not write this down and turn it into a short post?

The real fake news in Illinois

The Chicago Tribune reports on Liberty Principles and Think Freely Media: “Conservative Illinois publications blur lines between journalism, politics.” Issues of one of these pseudo-newspapers, the East Central Reporter, went from our mailbox to our garbage can in 2016.

Barnum and Dennison

[Catching up on podcasts.]

At Innovation Hub, Kara Miller talks about P.T. Barnum with Stephen Mihm, editor of a new edition of Barnum’s autobiography. The conversation touches briefly on similarities and differences between Barnum and Dunning K. Dennison. Thr IH website pointed me to Mihm’s 2017 New York Times opinion piece “No, Trump Is Not P.T. Barnum.” A sample:

Barnum would have recoiled from Mr. Trump, especially from his cynicism about principles and truth. In a widely read exposé of swindles, quack medicines and other “humbugs,” Barnum declared that the “greatest humbug of all” was the individual “who believes — or pretends to believe — that everything and everybody are humbugs.” This person, Barnum observed, “professes that there is no virtue; that every man has his price, and every woman hers; that any statement from anybody is just as likely to be false as true; and that the only way to decide which is to consider whether truth or a lie was likely to have paid best in that particular case.”

Barnum was a consummate American: a fast talker, a self-promoter and a relentless striver. He also exemplified many of the qualities that have long made America great in the eyes of the world: generosity, humor, optimism and a willingness, in the end, to do the right thing.

Mr. Trump represents something different. Indeed, if Barnum were alive today, he might be interested in exhibiting Mr. Trump: not as a paragon of business acumen, political prowess or any of the other main attractions in the circus of contemporary life, but as an extreme embodiment of humbug — worthy of a sideshow, perhaps, but nothing more.

Cecil Taylor (1929–2018)

The pianist and composer Cecil Taylor has died at the age of eighty-nine. In the absence of an obituary, here is an appreciation from his fellow pianist and composer Ethan Iverson.

When I think of Taylor’s music, I think of words from David Bowie’s “Modern Love”: I try. I try. I recognize that a genius is at work and want to engage what’s happening. Sometimes I can. Two performances I’ve listened to again and again: the two versions of “After All” on the 1974 concert recording Silent Tongues (Arista). (It’s a Taylor composition, not Billy Strayhorn’s composition of the same name.) Start with the short encore. Then try the longer version. See what you hear.


The New York Times has an obituary.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Cloudflare’s DNS

Numbers to know: and, the numbers for Cloudflare’s new DNS service. I’m trying it, and it seems exceedingly fast. Here, look: Boing Boing and Lifehacker offer context and instructions.

With Cloudflare’s DNS at work and Safari’s prefetching disabled, my Mac feels as if it’s made for 2018 and beyond. Knock on aluminum.

A conversation from another world

From the Father Knows Best episode “Love and Learn” (April 11, 1960). Margaret Anderson (Jane Wyatt) is speaking to her college-freshman son Bud (Billy Gray):

“I had a conversation with the Dean of Men at the college today.”

“You did? Why?”

“Because he sent me a note.”

“Yeah? What about?”

“Your English grades.”
As the Anderson children grow up, the sexual politics of Father Knows Best become intolerable. But after watching all six seasons, I can say that in other respects Father Knows Best holds up surprisingly well. A 1950s domestic comedy with characters quoting Shakespeare and Whitman and talking about the Wordsworths, Dorothy and William? I’ll take it.

Other FKB posts
“Betty’s Graduation” : Flowers knows best : “Languages, economics, philosophy, the humanities” : “Margaret Disowns Her Family” : Scene-stealing card-file : “A Woman in the House” : “Your dinner jacket just arrived”