Wikipedia has a fine list of April Fools' Day hoaxes:
April Fools' Day
“It is never too late to change the future”
Wikipedia has a fine list of April Fools' Day hoaxes:
April Fools' Day
By Michael Leddy at 12:44 PM comments: 4
The New York Times ran an article earlier this week on beverages and health. It turns out to have contained wildly inaccurate statements about soy milk, as volunteers at the Wikipedia Reference Desks have established. Did the Times acknowledge its errors? No. Instead, the article was silently amended.
"Fortified soy milk is a good alternative for individuals who prefer not to consume cow milk,” the panel said, but cautioned that soy milk cannot be legally fortified with vitamin D and provides only 75 percent of the calcium the body obtains from cow’s milk.After:
"Fortified soy milk is a good alternative for individuals who prefer not to consume cow milk," the panel said.I remember reading the original sentence and thinking "That can't be right." Sure enough: the soy milk and "cow milk" in my fridge, as I just discovered, have the same amount of calcium, and the soy milk has more vitamin D. (And who, aside from "the panel," calls it "cow milk"?)
Soy milk + Vitamin D? (Wikipedia Reference Desk)
NYT changes, back-dates article (Boing Boing)
You Are Also What You Drink (New York Times)
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By Michael Leddy at 3:25 PM comments: 1
When my wife Elaine added the URL of her latest blog post to Google, here's what she was asked to type:
Elaine doesn't think this item is appropriate for her blog (the relation to music is at best tenuous), so she gave it to me. Thanks, Elaine!
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By Michael Leddy at 3:00 PM comments: 5
Les Perelman, director of MIT's director of the Writing Across the Curriculum program, continues to call attention to the absurd premises that underlie the recently-added essay section of the College Board's SAT. The high scores of a student who prepared for the test with Professor Perelman's guidance suggest what the College Board values in writing: big words ("myriad" and "plethora" are said to be favorites), weighty examples (whether or not they're relevant or accurately stated), and the magical five-paragraph formula.
Which is to say: the standards for the SAT essay run counter to everything a competent college teacher tries to make clear to students: that big words are not the key to good writing, that details and examples need to carefully chosen and relevant and grounded in fact, and that the number of paragraphs in an essay must be dictated by the writer's ideas and purpose. (There is no magic number.)
Here's an excerpt from the essay that Perelman's student wrote to test the test. I'm assuming that all the errors are intentional:
American president Franklin Delenor Roosevelt advocated for civil unity despite the communist threat of success by quoting 'the only thing we need to fear is itself,' which desdained competition as an alternative to cooperation for success. In the end, the American economy pulled out of the depression and succeeded communism.Two College Board scorers gave the essay a 5, the second highest score possible.
Fooling the College Board (Inside Higher Ed)
Essay by Perelman's student (Download, 26 KB .doc file)
Words, words, words (Previous blog post on Professor Perelman's criticism of the College Board)
By Michael Leddy at 6:55 PM comments: 5
Spotted on a package of dried mangoes:
Taste and flavor: a winning combination!
As my daughter Rachel pointed out, the nouns taste and flavor do not have complete synonymy. We say that tap water has a bad taste, not a bad flavor. And ice cream comes in different flavors, not tastes. Safe to say though that the copywriter responsible for the above wasn't making such distinctions.
[Thanks for the photo, Rachel!]
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Unnecessary repetition
By Michael Leddy at 10:29 AM comments: 0
The New York Times brings us more evidence that multitasking doesn't work well:
"Multitasking is going to slow you down, increasing the chances of mistakes," said David E. Meyer, a cognitive scientist and director of the Brain, Cognition and Action Laboratory at the University of Michigan. "Disruptions and interruptions are a bad deal from the standpoint of our ability to process information."A slideshow accompanies the article, with images of New Yorkers talking and texting while biking, skateboarding, and walking.
The human brain, with its hundred billion neurons and hundreds of trillions of synaptic connections, is a cognitive powerhouse in many ways. "But a core limitation is an inability to concentrate on two things at once," said René Marois, a neuroscientist and director of the Human Information Processing Laboratory at Vanderbilt University.
Mr. Marois and three other Vanderbilt researchers reported in an article last December in the journal Neuron that they used magnetic resonance imaging to pinpoint the bottleneck in the brain and to measure how much efficiency is lost when trying to handle two tasks at once.
Study participants were given two tasks and were asked to respond to sounds and images. The first was to press the correct key on a computer keyboard after hearing one of eight sounds. The other task was to speak the correct vowel after seeing one of eight images.
The researchers said that they did not see a delay if the participants were given the tasks one at a time. But the researchers found that response to the second task was delayed by up to a second when the study participants were given the two tasks at about the same time.
In many daily tasks, of course, a lost second is unimportant. But one implication of the Vanderbilt research, Mr. Marois said, is that talking on a cellphone while driving a car is dangerous. A one-second delay in response time at 60 miles an hour could be fatal, he noted.
"We are under the impression that we have this brain that can do more than it often can," observed Mr. Marois, who said he turns off his cellphone when driving.
Slow Down, Multitaskers; Don’t Read in Traffic (New York Times)
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By Michael Leddy at 10:10 AM comments: 3
“If the gods want to drive you mad, first they tell you your future."Dr. Milton Wexler, founder of the Hereditary Disease Foundation and sponsor of research on Huntington's disease, advising his daughters not to take the test that would determine if they have Huntington's. Their mother Leonore, Dr. Wexler's ex-wife, died from the disease. Research made possible by Dr. Wexler's foundation led to the test.
Milton Wexler, Groundbreaker on Huntington's, Dies at 98 (New York Times)
By Michael Leddy at 9:38 AM comments: 2
Nina Conti might be described as a postmodern ventriloquist. She and her puppet Monk (a monkey) stole the show in For Your Consideration (there's also a long bit with the two on the DVD of the film). Below, a link to a clip of Conti's 2005 performance at Tickled Pink, an annual breast-cancer fundraiser at the Royal Albert Hall.
Note: There are a few rough spots in the language -- all from the monkey.
Nina Conti and Monkey (YouTube)
By Michael Leddy at 4:09 PM comments: 0
I came to W.H. Auden's poetry relatively late: when I was an undergraduate, Yeats and Eliot ruled from the world of the dead, and I'm not sure that many English Department people knew what to do with Auden's plain, colloquial words.
Here's a wonderful Auden passage: the first six lines of the very late poem "A Thanksgiving" (the next-to-last poem in Edward Mendelson's edition of the Selected Poems):
When pre-pubescent I feltWhat's to like? A number of things:
that moorlands and woodlands were sacred:
people seemed rather profane.
Thus, when I started to verse,
I presently sat at the feet of
Hardy and Thomas and Frost.
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W.H. Auden centenary
Auden on handwriting and typing
Ian McEwan on Auden's "Musée des Beaux Arts" and the 2005 London subway bombings
By Michael Leddy at 9:50 PM comments: 0
I liked this example of unnecessary (and unneeded!) repetition in my local newspaper:
Police officers would be able to park all their squad cars next to the station and be able to drive through a 24-foot-wide parking lot aisle, instead of the existing 12-foot-wide alley.12 + 12 . . . yes, it checks out.
"It is going to double the width of the access," [the city planner] said.
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Unnecessary repetition
By Michael Leddy at 5:06 PM comments: 0