Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Dan Ingram (1934–2018)

“A quick-thinking, somewhat bawdy jester who mocked songs, singers, sponsors and the weather at WABC-AM”: from the New York Times obituary. Here’s a modest sample of Dan Ingram on the air in 1968.

A related post
Five radios

comments: 2

The Arthurian said...

I took art class the summer before 9th grade, and in art class they had the radio on all the time. That's where I learned to listen to WABC radio, Cousin Brucie at night, HerrBoscarAnderson in the morning, Dan Ingram in the afternoon. Ingram was the best.

Michael Leddy said...

I remember Ingram best of the three, radio on, summer afternoons, switching between WABC and WMCA.