Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Three words

"[W]e will remember that there is something happening in America; that we are not as divided as our politics suggests; that we are one people; we are one nation; and together, we will begin the next great chapter in America’s story with three words that will ring from coast to coast; from sea to shining sea":

[Words by Barack Obama, Nashua, New Hampshire, January 8, 2008. Images from the music video Yes We Can.]

CNN has called it.

Despite the problems we face, I've never been more hopeful about our country's future.


  1. As if waking from a troubled sleep.

    Historic and wonderful!

  2. Congratulations on your historic election! You might like to read this essay I saw in the paper today. I love the perspective and although I don't have the same perspective, as a much-moved army brat, I do have a different-than-usual perspective on global issues and so I appreciate the distinctions made.


  3. Yes, Bill. I slept well last night, for the first time in several nights.

    Thanks for the link, Julia. It is tremendously exciting to see people the world over inspired by yesterday's election.


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