Ex-residents of the "dowdy world" will enjoy an online visit to the American Package Museum. Curator Ian House describes the Museum:
The primary objective of this website is to preserve and display specimens of American package design from the early decades of the 20th Century. The secondary objective is to establish a community for those interested in such an endeavor. It is my hope that this website will eventually develop into a significant archive of corporate heritage and branding.The Museum features 142 items, beautifully photographed against a dowdy background (fabric? wallpaper?). I'm not sure that everything here is from the early 20th century: I remember the Canada Dry Wink bottle from kidhood.
There are several items beginning with q: Q-Tips, Quaker Oats, Quaker Yellow Corn Meal, and Nestlé's Quik (now Nesquik).

The American Package Museum
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