[Hi and Lois, November 2, 2019. Click for a larger view.]
I debated whether to post this panel. Elaine’s response — “What is that?” — made the decision easy. That is a colorist’s oversight, turning pajamas into flesh. Too little green and TMH — Too Much Hi. Or else Hi has had his pajama pattern tattooed onto his pasty midsection. And in that case, too, Too Much Hi.
I’ve added a close-up below. You can click on it for a larger, better (?) view.
Skepticism about the patch abounds in the comments. So I’ve made a fleshy revision. If that patch is supposed to be Hi, I think his pajamas are riding way too low. TML: Too Much Low. But the crossed lines still say to me TMH.
[My revision. Click for a larger view.]
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